Thursday, October 09, 2008

Deregulation is the problem

This may be a short post, but I think or should I say I know that the problem is deregulation. Under the Bush administration most of the stuff has happened has been caused by the deregulation of most industries especially the banking industry and mortgage industry. I would strongly suggest that the next president whoever he may be, including Congress and the Senate implement regulatory measures on our financial industries. The problem with deregulation is that it has allowed those greedy people who are thinking nothing but how much money they can make by any means possible that has caused all these problems. A we need laws to stop the hemorrhaging of the financial industry and we need checks and balances to regulate our banks, our mortgage industry, and the stock market. We especially need to regulate, or at least put on the brakes on short sales and on futures within the stock markets. This is precisely what is driving up the price of oil and gasoline. By putting a cap on the futures market we can regulate the wild fluctuations in our gasoline prices and oil prices. This is critical to the stabilization of our economy.

Secondly I think it is imperative that we demand that the countries we are spending billions of dollars in like a Iraq and Afghanistan which has a huge surplus of oil reserves. Instead of asking them to pay back with dollars we should demand that they pay us back with the oil reserves that they already have. This in turn would alleviate some of our oil problems. Of course this will not solve the problem but it will help it somewhat.

Thirdly we need to develop new sources of energy especially renewable energy. It is critical that we get away from fossil fuels such as coal and oil. We need to turn to alternative energy sources especially organic sources. Although many people will squawk, I think wind energy is one of the ways that we can go to produce electricity. Also I think that atomic energy is another way to go. Although with atomic energy we also need to know how to reprocess it so that it can either be used over again or we need to find better ways to store spent fuel in as safe a manner as possible until we can devise a way to use it once again. I am sure that as our technology progresses and it seems to be happening logarithmically, that we will be able sometime in the not-too-distant future to find a way to reprocess spent uranium that we use our power plants. Perhaps by the knowledge we gain from the hadron collider that we may be able to develop some sort of propulsion system to be used in outer space. Perhaps sometime in the future we may learn through our use of quantum physics how-to use uranium or its byproducts in space travel. Who knows, we may even develop some sort of warp drive for spaceships. You never know. Right now that may seem like science fiction but in the not-too-distant future it may become science fact.

The other possibility is to use battery powered vehicles. But first we need to develop a much more efficient electrical storage system for those vehicles. They need to be much lighter and more efficient than the batteries we now use. Instead of using wet cells perhaps we can develop a dry cell battery or batteries that can be recharged over and over. They also need to hold their charge longer so that we are able to drive farther without having to plug the car in to recharge it. Another thing is that we can also use solar energy which unfortunately at this time is pretty expensive, but I think if we can develop new technology to increase the efficiency of solar energy collectors this may also become a viable source of energy especially in the home.

We need to also build a more energy efficient houses in order to conserve our energy usage. We need to develop new materials that provide much better insulation for our homes. The better insulated our homes are the more energy efficient they will be both during the summer and the winter. We need to develop systems to both heat and cool our homes much more efficiently than the systems we are currently using. We could possibly even use a solar heating and cooling system combination that would be used in the summer to cool our homes and into winter to heat it. That my friends is my take on the situation.

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