Saturday, September 01, 2007

No Price Gouging in '06 Oil Prices. Lies all Lies

How interesting that the FTC should find no profiteering or price gouging on behalf of the Oil Companies or the suppliers so says an article in the Washington Post.
I'll tell you what is actually happening at least from my point of view. The Suppliers and the refineries in the USA are purposely cutting down on the supply of gasoline in order to drive the prices up. the so called demand is purposely not being met driving up prices. Using excuses such as hurricanes and other minor disasters for the reasons for the slow down in production which as a result increases prices. The war in Iraq which has caused nuch hatred for the USA has had an influence on friends of these countries to follow suit restricting or slowing production driving up the price of crude oil.
Yes I agree that part of the problem is demand fueled by our obsession with gas guzzling cars and a lack of incentive to switch to alternative fuels. That and the governments lack of incentive to give tax breaks to farmers growing agricultural products aimed at the bio-fuel market. There is some truth to their argument but the rest is just plain hog wash.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Karl Rove, Adviser to President Bush, to Quit

I know that I haven't written as much as I should have but this is the best news yet. Karl Rove is quitting. Read the headline in the Washington Post here.

How this White Collar Criminal can leave the White House unscathed is beyond me. If it was up to me I'd go after this guy like there was no tomorrow. I certainly would not allow him the opportunity to ever run for any political office again. his days for being the strategist and mouth piece for any politician is at an end and I for one hope it stays that way.

Now what we have to do is drive the rest of the mongrels out of office and clean house, and ultimately dilute Bush's influence to the point that he has absolutely no influence whatsoever. Uncover as much wrongdoing in the Re;publican Party as possible and strengthen the Democratic party so we can have a clear win come the elections in 2008.

I don't know if we would break out the noise makers and throw a party but this is pretty good news to me. What do you think?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

U.S. Envoy Offers Grim Prediction on Iraq Pullout

When I first started writing this blog several years ago I indicated that the Iraq War was unwinnable. Several times I indicated that the Iraqi government could not get its act together and was at best apathetic in its attempts to either train or muster any kind of militia in order to counter terrorist attacks. President Bush along with Congress gave Iraq a time line to either get their act together, train troops or get an army together to fight on their own. So far this has not happened. We have sent even more troops over there to assist without any noticeable effect.

Now comes a story from the New York Times Now the Senate wants to conduct another study on the effects of a troop pullout on the country of Iraq. This is incredible. Were all these guys all out for lunch while people like me were screaming from the rooftops telling them that the country is going to implode upon itself with or without our help and they are going to sink into civil war. We have also have been telling them that other neighboring country's will enter Iraq and try to conquer and take over at least some of the country. Nothing we do is going to stop this, I am afraid.

The sooner we pull out the better. Otherwise we are only postponing the inevitable, like it or not. Instead we have a Senate who wants to debate it to death because they are all a bunch of Cowards afraid to stand up to our Bully President.

Personally I hope they Impeach the bastard and get him out of office before he can cause even more damage that he already has. If we do however it is my hope that we have someone with the guts to end this thing once and for all.
Ain't that the truth?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bush thumbing nose at the Constitution

We have a president who has thumbed his nose at the Constitution ever since he was put into office as the Chief Executive. The Constitution enumerates the powers given to the President which he is to abide by during his term in office. Unfortunately Congress has given him additional powers which were intended to be used sparingly to veto unjust provisions of law enacted by government officials (the House and Congress) that might overstep its authority. It was not designed to circumvent reasonable provisions enacted by Congress. A current article in the Washington Post shows how the President has methodically abused his powers and has asserted that he feels that he is not bound by rules promulgated by the powers that be intended to put the brakes on this abuse of power, which as far as I am concerned borders on impeachment if it continues. Aside from the fact that this has been one of the Worst Presidents to serve in the history of the USA. This abuse of power can not continue. I call for the House and Congress to wither censure or impeach Mr Bush if he continues on this path.

The article lists a staggering list of offences that are occurring. We can not allow these things to continue. We must take action Now. We must send a clear message that this type of action will no longer be tolerated and may lead to impeachment if it continues.
What do you think?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

U.S. Arming Sunnis What are they thinking?

From a Washington Post article. You got it. What are they thinking? Giving arms to the Sunnis to fight old Al Qaeda allies. Now let me get this straight. They were allies once now they are not. This war is really confusing. One group hates the other and are at civil war with each other and we are hoping that they will stop fighting and form a Democracy which as our wonderful leader Mr Bush (who I'm sure is absolutely clueless) thinks will stabalize the country once again. Now the military is providing arms to one side to fight the other. What are they thinking? Or are they? Oh yeah let us not forget they tested this and it worked in one little area of the country and although it is risky, it just might work elsewhere. Did somebody slip LSD in the drinking water? We have the military who have no clue as to what to do to get the country which is steadily colapsing in upon itself back to some form of normalcy, whatever that is?

I think we eventually have to face the fact that what we are doing isn't working. Not only that it is making everything worse. Nothing we have done has been the least successful. I hate to say it but this is an unwinable war and the sooner we realize it the better. Giving weapons to the enemy is stupid and counterproductive to say the least. What we really need to do is to stop what we are doing and start packing and get out. That is the only logical thing to do.
Ain't that the truth?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Longer Stay In Iraq? Who are you kidding?

An article in the Washington Post envisions a longer stay in Iraq, perhaps it suggests several more years or longer. Who are they trying to kid ? Granted given the amount of military equipment in Iraq now, it will take a substantial amount of time to extricate us from the country. Toward the end of the article one of the Generals said "We had previously 'transitioned' ourselves into irrelevance, and the whole thing was going to hell in a handbasket," a senior official commented in an e-mail. I find that astonishing that it took them this long to figure that out. Incredible.
First of all we do not have to fight their battles. That is obviously useless given that they can't or won't fight themselves. The Iraqi effort has been half-hearted at best. What we should do is pull out of the northern cities and move as much equipment toward the Kuwait border as possible. Something I would call a strategic retreat until all the equipment is close to the border, then we can concentrate on bringing everyone and everything home.
No matter what we do the country is falling into chaos. All of our efforts have failed to stabilize any part of the country, so why waste any more time than we have to? That makes sense to me. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

More discontent with Congress

The Washington post has reported that Americans are not only unhappy with President Bush handling of Iraq but also with the way the Democrats have been handling the pressure from the White House and the Republicans. It seems to me and a lot of others that they have consistently caved in to pressure from Bush and from his zealot Republican cadre in both the Senate and House.
"Deep public skepticism about Iraq, concerns about the Democrats and Bush, and near-record-high gasoline prices appear to have combined to sour the overall mood in the country. In the new poll, 73 percent of Americans said the country is pretty seriously on the wrong track, while 25 percent said things are going in the right direction."
I've said it time and time again, the sooner Bush is out of office the better. I really can't believe that the Democrats can be so cowardly with the Bully tactics that the Bush administration is foisting on us. Come on Guys, for Pete's sake get some backbone and stand up to them.

I personally believe that there is a conspiracy going on with the oil cartel and those supplying the gasoline that runs our cars. Whether you believe it or not the oil producers and refiners are manipulating the prices. They are purposely slowing down production in order to raise prices. Along with that they are using lame excuses such as some inconsequential natural disaster to blame the slowdown on. I don't believe that for one second and neither should you. Another thing I have noticed is the rise in the gas prices on the weekend and lowering by midweek. It happens EVERY week. They then sneak the price up a penny or two once in a while steadily rising the price to barely tolerable levels.
I think what the American people need is Government regulation NOW! Granted we don't have infinite supplies, but we don't need to gouged at the pump either.
Hey am I right or what? Give us your opinion.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Justices rule that EPA can rule of Green House Gasses

Both the Washington Post and the New York Times reported that the Supreme Court in a 5 to 4 ruling that the EPA can rule about harmful gasses such as carbon dioxide emitted by vehicles and factories and power plants. If it says that if it can't, they must come up with a viable scientific reason not to.
How any body can be so stupid is beyond me. This is what I call the Ostrich effect that if you bury your head in the sand and ignore the glaring signs that trouble is brewing, perhaps it will go away. NOT. Increasingly more and more cars are being sold and driven instead of public transportation or car pooling which will lessen the problem. Face it we are lazy and we are getting fatter because of it. We take the easy way out instead of the healthy way and hoofing it or using alternative transportation.
Why not bikes? They are relatively safe. Are great for exercise and don't use gasoline therefore not producing green house gasses. Besides how many fatalities have your heard about involving bicycles have you heard recently? And how about Drunk Drivers? Make them ride bikes. That will solve a lot of problems too.
Back to the point, this is a prime example of Big Business and Greed influencing government agencies in order to make a buck. It is a prime example of the uncaring attitude of our current administration about the future of mankind. We must come to the realization that our Earth is fragile and if we are not careful it may be the end of civilization as we know it. If we are not careful and reverse the trends now, it may be too late.
Ain't that the truth?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Anti-War Rally and March

Earlier today Peace Action Wisconsin held a rally and march up Wisconsin Avenue to protest the War in Iraq. They started at O'Donnell Park at the end of Wisconsin Ave. and ended up at the Royce Federal Building which houses Senator Kohl's office. Sorry wrong year set on camera. Should be 2007.

Friday, March 09, 2007

FEMA Taking Hit on Sale of Surplus Trailers

FEMA Taking Hit on Sale of Surplus Trailers

In another fine example of Government big time screw-ups, the US Government has thousands of trailers sitting in fields and warehouses while scores of people go homeless and house less after Katrina and other catastrophes that have recently ravaged our country. The weird thing is they can't give them away because of legislation promulgated by the Fat Cat Industries which says that they must first donate them to local government agencies and others prolonging the process. In the meantime our citizens are without homes and jobs and forced needlessly to go on the dole because of this legislative boondoggle. What were they thinking? Were they thinking at all? How could they succumb to the pressure of the greed of big business? This is a prime example of government waste that you and I should be fuming over.

I think it is about time we picked up the phone and called our legislators and let them know how we feel. Let them know that we need a faster process to get these desperately needed dwellings to people in need. It is costing needless Tax Dollars, yours and mine to allow this sham continue. This is something we need to take care of right now. Don't wait, pick up the phone and call now. This is too important to let slide by.
Ain't that the truth?

Monday, March 05, 2007

What? No Plan B?

No U.S. Backup Strategy For Iraq

No surprise here that the USA, or should I say Shrub and Marine Gen. Peter Pace have no plan B in place if the new deal to stabilize Iraq doesn't work. Now during my crazy days as a motorcycle outlaw biker, we always had a Plan B and even a Plan C to fall back on. The best case scenario worked most of the time. Then again sometimes it didn't and we had to have a way out when things went wrong. We never had to use Plan C but we did use Plan B one or two times. No one ever would up in jail or hurt. That is why there is always a Plan B. We knew what we wanted to do and we didn't want to get hurt nor did we want anyone hurt either. The problem with no Plan B is that you may be put up against a wall with no way out. So what happens? You fight your way out and hope you make it out alive. Not a good thing to have happen.
So Shrub has this Gung-ho Marine General and not the brightest bulb in the pack it seems, saying that Plan B is to make Plan A work. This guy has a death wish or he is a few bricks shy of a load. Choose one. So typical of the Bush administration. Hell bent for leather with guns blazing without a thought about the consequences. How stupid can they be?
I don't know about you, bu this has got to end and the sooner the better. I hat to talk about impeachment, but Bush is way over his head and sinking fast. It is obvious that he doesn't care about the welfare of the American people, only the mess he has got us into. I also think we should carefully examine the mans mental stability and whether this has taken an irreversible toll on him. If it has then it is time to stop the sherade and call a spade a spade. Regardless of which political party you belong to, it is time to examine our priorities and put an end to the war.
This is my own persoal opinion and it may not be yours. Your comments are always welcome.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sr Bush is worried about Junior

The Bush saga continues like something out of the Hatfield and McCoy movie plot

Elder Bush the patriarch of the clan is worried about what his dumb son has done concerning the Iraq war. It is widely known the junior is one of the dumbest and least capable people who have ever been sadly elected President of the USA.

“Don’t worry Pa, I’m doing just fine. Stop watching C-span and turn off the TV.” I suppose he is worried that his father will have a coronary, and rightly so. I would too if I had to watch my son go down in a ball of fire and have to endure the mounting ridicule the nation is heaping upon him. In the mean time Junior is going to turn off the TV and not watch it either. I suppose he thinks that if he can’t see it, it will go away. Wrong. This is typical of the syndrome of Management by Avoidance. A tactic used extensively by the clueless.

It is amazing how the mind of a bully works. He initiates something and then coerces others to do his dirty work. In the meantime he sits back and watches the bloodbath. There is a noun for this type of person that I infer but will not use. Like they used to say at the multi-billion dollar company I retired from. ‘Give him enough rope and he will eventually hang himself.’

You are doing fine all by your self, Junior. You don’t need anyone’s help. All I can say to Bush Senior is “You have my sympathy.”

The rest of you have a happy Valentines Day

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I've just switched over to the new Blogger format. I hope everyone likes it. And just in, on January 31st at Alterra on the Lake (Lake Drive on the Milwaukee lakefront) will be the first Blog-a-Palooza from 5pm till 9pm. It is sponsored by TV channel 6 for more information. I intend to be there nice and early. It should be a fun time for all. Anyone thinking about starting a blog, this may be the way to find out all about it. Meet other bloggers from around the area, learn some stuff and have fun. Perhaps I'll see you there.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bush delivers the st

Bush delivers the state of the union message

     President Bush delivered the state of the union message on TV tonight. He covered several different subjects including the Iraq war. Unfortunately he typically portrayed the war the same way he has from the beginning, basing most of his rhetoric on the well worn fear scenario. Guess what Mr. President, it is no longer working. I didn’t buy and I don’t think anyone else did either. What really got me, or should I say interested me was how Congress reacted and applauded. On one side were the Republicans standing up and applauding while the Democrats sat silent on the other side. Interesting to say the least.
     Concluding the speech Democrats characterized Bush’s journey into Iraq to be reckless and ill thought out and that we should start searching for a way out. Rudy Giuliani has the opinion that the war will continue but he has doubts. He thinks that Bush’s plan should be given a chance to see how it will turn out. Mr. Giuliani a Republican presidential hopeful has taken the usual and expected viewpoint. Kerry said that we should step up the pressure to end the war. Others concurred that we need to set a timetable on Iraq. At this point in time no one knows what the vote will be in the Senate. I predict that the House will vote it down.
     I would suggest that we keep our eyes on the action which will develop both in Congress and the House in the coming weeks. Hopefully both houses will be able to keep up the pressure to bring this ugly war reach a proper end. I disagree that there will be no victory. Only time will tell.

Your comments are always welcome. Click the comments below to post your view here.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

General May See Earl

General May See Early Success in Iraq My Ass
Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus wants to add 17,500 troops in and around Bagdad regardless  of whether the Iraqi army units join the fight as planned. Well, like first of all the Iraqi troops are some of the most ill-trained, unmotivated and incompetent bunch we have ever had the misfortune to work with in the history of modern warfare. So his bright idea is to fight the war for them. Then what? Of course they will want us to stick around to make sure that the supposed peace we are supposed to accomplish in the next few months will remain in effect for the foreseeable future.

Now let’s not forget the fact that there will be a Big increase in terrorist attacks in and around Bagdad and other areas of Iraq. I suspect that Bush will expect us to redistribute the troops at the same time keeping the peace in Bagdad to quell the uprisings (remember what I said about putting out fires in one place and another starting up somewhere else) elsewhere. In the meantime what happens in Bagdad? Once again we will be spread too thin and he will want to pour even more troops into the fray. One thing I can say for sure, that ain’t gonna happen.  You can bank on that.

“Petraeus will require his troops to operate and live among the population, hoping to safeguard security and economic gains for neighborhoods cleared of violence” He wants to do what? Put our troops in amongst the Iraqi people (let me remind you that we don’t know who are our friends and who are our enemies) putting them in harms way or in an even more dangerous position than they are now. I’ll tell you this, if it were up to me, that idea will never happen, not in a million years. Not only does it put our troops in danger, it also puts innocent people needlessly in danger too.

Another thing I don’t feel good about is the fact that the general is going to try to micro-manage the war personally by visiting the troops where they fight and telling them what he wants them to do. The best bosses I have ever had never micro-managed, they found that when they delegated they got more done. Nobody likes a nosy boss leaning over their shoulder watching their every movement. I know I don’t. I don’t think it is good for morale either.

Of course I’m only a little voice from Middle America. My personal opinion is that it is not going to work and that we should quit while we’re ahead. This is getting worse by the minute. The shit is going to hit the fan. I’m going to say I told you so. Just wait.
What do you think?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

US Unit Patrolling B

U.S. Unit Patrolling Baghdad Sees Flaws in Bush Strategy -

Are we really going to win in Iraq?

Sorry it took so long to past here but I have been following the news both on the TV and in the newspapers. President Bush wants to send 20,000 more troops into Iraq to try to stabilize only a small portion of the country. I knew about some of this before it hit the news because someone I know quite well was just called up. It wasn’t until Bush announced that he planned to increase the troops did I realize what he had in mind.

A night ago I spent several hours glued to the TV and the Military channel watching a reporter’s view of one of the companies in Fallujah  going door to door looking for insurgents and contraband, munitions and guns that may be hidden in Iraqi households. Anyone who was fortunate to watch should have become acutely aware of the incredible poverty, lack of education and outright fear these people have for the killing and murder that is going on around them all the time. Most are hesitant to say the least even to speak to our soldiers. They feign ignorance or talk in circles (described as circle talk) rather than answer questions. Their unwillingness to do anything to defend themselves or others is overwhelmingly obvious to the casual observer.

Although we have some of the most high tech equipment available, we still are unable to stop or curtail the bombings and roadside killings that have become an everyday occurrence. Every village is still hostile to our forces, not just Bagdad. It is a never ending battle. As one soldier put it ‘we put down one area and another pops up’ it is a no win situation.

OK so let me get this straight. Bush wants to send in 20,000 more troops to quell the violence in primarily Bagdad and one other city. So what about the rest of Iraq? If we stop the violence in Bagdad, and this other city, what then? Is this supposed to calm the rest of the nation? I don’t think so. Another thing, what are we going to do about the borders where the insurgents are pouring in? There is no way we can stop this because the terrain is way too rugged to be able to deploy troops or even watch over to any great extent. Let’s face it, they don’t want us there.

Is this troop increase really going to work? Personally I think it is going to be one colossal failure. It is failing now. Can it get any worse? I don’t think it could, but I do think that it won’t get any better either. It will keep on keeping on until congress finally decides to end it.

My suggestion is to give Bush’s plan three months. If it hasn’t shown a significant improvement, then we need to implement a plan to leave. I really hate to be redundant, but this is a war we cannot win. The sooner we accept that fact the better. I have no doubt that there will be a civil war in Iraq and that Iran will try to invade and try to take the country over. There is so much chaos wht the outcome of these events will be is anyone’s guess.  Will it be worse or better? We won’t know that until the dust settles.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Here we go again wit

Here we go again with the War in Iraq
War Could Last Years, Commander Says - New York Times

We have a new commander overseeing the troops in Iraq. Has this guy been studying the history of the Iraq war? Lt. General Raymond T. Odierno says that it might take another two to three years to get the upper hand in Iraq. How insightful. No shit Sherlock, who clued you? Or did you come to that conclusion all by yourself? Where in heavens name is the President getting these people from? So far he has chosen some of the dumbest people on earth to run his battles. Either that or they have fallen for his incessant rhetoric hook line and sinker. When if ever is reality going to sink in?
     Gentlemen we are in a war we can not win. When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee? Yes the American people are frustrated and fed up with this continuing horse shit. Bush had us go in with guns blazing. Shock and Awe, his terms not mine. It was a Shock to the American people how incredibly stupid this tactic was. Then it was Aw Shit, we did it this time. I’d like to use a more colorful expression than this but I will be a little more tactful than I’d like to be.
     So Mr. Bush’s new grandiose tactic is to pour more troops into Iraq to quell all that unrest that many think is the beginning of civil war but won’t admit. Now let me get this straight, several years from now we are supposed to get the upper hand at which time the dumbest president in history will be out of office. Then what? We start to pull our troops out and then what will happen? As soon as we leave, all Hell is going to break loose, that’s what. And he thinks he will come out of this smelling like a Rose? Give me a break.
     What I hope is that the new congress doesn’t wind up being a bunch of Chicken-
Shit cowards and step up to the plate and force this stupidity to come to an end. Let’s let this Bully President know that we are sick and tired of all his bull headed shenanigans and force an end to this awful war once and for all.
     Another thought you might want to process. What were they thinking when they hung Saddam? Wasn’t it supposed to be secret? No photos or videos were to be taken but they allowed someone with a cell phone to take pictures. My question is why didn’t they search these people and confiscate anything that could take pictures including cell phones? If they saw someone holding up a cell phone taking a picture, why didn’t they grab the phone and delete the picture? Who was in charge of security and why hasn’t he been prosecuted? I can’t believe that they could have allowed that to happen. After all it was an American facility they used even if it was a Iraqi hanging, we could have insisted on certain security procedures. For this there is no excuse. It is just another example of the incompetence of the military.
Ain’t that the truth?