Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bush thumbing nose at the Constitution

We have a president who has thumbed his nose at the Constitution ever since he was put into office as the Chief Executive. The Constitution enumerates the powers given to the President which he is to abide by during his term in office. Unfortunately Congress has given him additional powers which were intended to be used sparingly to veto unjust provisions of law enacted by government officials (the House and Congress) that might overstep its authority. It was not designed to circumvent reasonable provisions enacted by Congress. A current article in the Washington Post shows how the President has methodically abused his powers and has asserted that he feels that he is not bound by rules promulgated by the powers that be intended to put the brakes on this abuse of power, which as far as I am concerned borders on impeachment if it continues. Aside from the fact that this has been one of the Worst Presidents to serve in the history of the USA. This abuse of power can not continue. I call for the House and Congress to wither censure or impeach Mr Bush if he continues on this path.

The article lists a staggering list of offences that are occurring. We can not allow these things to continue. We must take action Now. We must send a clear message that this type of action will no longer be tolerated and may lead to impeachment if it continues.
What do you think?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

U.S. Arming Sunnis What are they thinking?

From a Washington Post article. You got it. What are they thinking? Giving arms to the Sunnis to fight old Al Qaeda allies. Now let me get this straight. They were allies once now they are not. This war is really confusing. One group hates the other and are at civil war with each other and we are hoping that they will stop fighting and form a Democracy which as our wonderful leader Mr Bush (who I'm sure is absolutely clueless) thinks will stabalize the country once again. Now the military is providing arms to one side to fight the other. What are they thinking? Or are they? Oh yeah let us not forget they tested this and it worked in one little area of the country and although it is risky, it just might work elsewhere. Did somebody slip LSD in the drinking water? We have the military who have no clue as to what to do to get the country which is steadily colapsing in upon itself back to some form of normalcy, whatever that is?

I think we eventually have to face the fact that what we are doing isn't working. Not only that it is making everything worse. Nothing we have done has been the least successful. I hate to say it but this is an unwinable war and the sooner we realize it the better. Giving weapons to the enemy is stupid and counterproductive to say the least. What we really need to do is to stop what we are doing and start packing and get out. That is the only logical thing to do.
Ain't that the truth?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Longer Stay In Iraq? Who are you kidding?

An article in the Washington Post envisions a longer stay in Iraq, perhaps it suggests several more years or longer. Who are they trying to kid ? Granted given the amount of military equipment in Iraq now, it will take a substantial amount of time to extricate us from the country. Toward the end of the article one of the Generals said "We had previously 'transitioned' ourselves into irrelevance, and the whole thing was going to hell in a handbasket," a senior official commented in an e-mail. I find that astonishing that it took them this long to figure that out. Incredible.
First of all we do not have to fight their battles. That is obviously useless given that they can't or won't fight themselves. The Iraqi effort has been half-hearted at best. What we should do is pull out of the northern cities and move as much equipment toward the Kuwait border as possible. Something I would call a strategic retreat until all the equipment is close to the border, then we can concentrate on bringing everyone and everything home.
No matter what we do the country is falling into chaos. All of our efforts have failed to stabilize any part of the country, so why waste any more time than we have to? That makes sense to me. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

More discontent with Congress

The Washington post has reported that Americans are not only unhappy with President Bush handling of Iraq but also with the way the Democrats have been handling the pressure from the White House and the Republicans. It seems to me and a lot of others that they have consistently caved in to pressure from Bush and from his zealot Republican cadre in both the Senate and House.
"Deep public skepticism about Iraq, concerns about the Democrats and Bush, and near-record-high gasoline prices appear to have combined to sour the overall mood in the country. In the new poll, 73 percent of Americans said the country is pretty seriously on the wrong track, while 25 percent said things are going in the right direction."
I've said it time and time again, the sooner Bush is out of office the better. I really can't believe that the Democrats can be so cowardly with the Bully tactics that the Bush administration is foisting on us. Come on Guys, for Pete's sake get some backbone and stand up to them.

I personally believe that there is a conspiracy going on with the oil cartel and those supplying the gasoline that runs our cars. Whether you believe it or not the oil producers and refiners are manipulating the prices. They are purposely slowing down production in order to raise prices. Along with that they are using lame excuses such as some inconsequential natural disaster to blame the slowdown on. I don't believe that for one second and neither should you. Another thing I have noticed is the rise in the gas prices on the weekend and lowering by midweek. It happens EVERY week. They then sneak the price up a penny or two once in a while steadily rising the price to barely tolerable levels.
I think what the American people need is Government regulation NOW! Granted we don't have infinite supplies, but we don't need to gouged at the pump either.
Hey am I right or what? Give us your opinion.