Saturday, May 08, 2010

The Wall Street and cyber terrorism

Headlines abound the New York Times and the Washington Post have been reporting the recent plunge and near collapse in Wall Street trading. Now this probably sounds like a conspiracy theory but there is a good possibility that somebody may have found a way to infiltrate Wall Street and its trading miasma of electronic connections too numerous to count. Investigators are having problems trying to find the source of the problem whether it was a mistake or whether it was on purpose we have yet to find out. My question is could this be a new form of cyber terrorism geared to bring down our financial institutions and flow of money nationally and internationally? Is something I think that we should seriously think about. Terrorism does not have to be comprised of acts of violence, but if terrorists can infiltrate our financial systems they can wreak havoc worldwide. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that there are many places where terrorists could infiltrate a company and insert code or purposely punch in the wrong figures thereby causing the Wall Street crash and burn. Let us hope that it was a simple mistake and the person or persons responsible be held accountable. I also think it's about time that we took a very close look at how our trading systems work and what we can do to make it safer.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Clergy Sexual Abuse, Is it Universal?

Universal phenomenon?
I tend to think that with the advance of the national and worldwide mass communication information is more broadly disseminated throughout our nation and the world therefore making us more aware of what is going on around us. In times past the only means of mass communication were through print media or radio which only reached a small segment of our society. With the advent of television and satellite communication and news agencies like CNN or MSNBC have opened the door to instantaneous video communication of world events as they are happening. Coupling that with the World Wide Web and information gathering and disseminating sites such as Google we now have the opportunity of searching and obtaining information on any subject we can imagine. The propensity for news media to sensationalize the news has made us super aware of current events whether good or bad. For example the real-time broadcasting of the events that happened on 9/11 coupled with America is response to these attacks to the real-time broadcasting of the bombing of Baghdad of the so-called shock and awe. Not only did these events make us acutely aware of what was going on worldwide but also had the effect of needlessly instilling fear in the hearts of many people.

I think I would debate whether clergy sexual abuse of children would be considered a universal phenomenon given the effects of the news media’s sensationalistic approach to this tragic turn of events. Not only has it made us acutely aware of the problem that the Catholic Church has to deal with and their propensity to whitewash the situation but has also instilled the anger of the populace. Bringing to light such actions may be good and also bad. Good in that we now know what is happening and bad because it may cause us to be vindictive seeking retribution rather than being constructive and demanding that those responsible be removed and dealt with as the laws allow. I believe that the pressures exerted upon us in today’s society are the root of many of our problems. Many people cannot handle the stresses of today's society and tend to crack under the pressure seeking sometimes destructors alternative outlets such as child abuse. And I think we need to take a closer look at dysfunctional families and relationships as a means of screening out undesirables. I also believe that our educational system has put up too many barriers concerning sexual education and moral up bringing. We can do that while still keeping the separation of church and state out of our educational system and still instill proper values in our children. But that's another debate I think will keep for another time.