Saturday, April 30, 2005

Shrub's plan for Social Security, the Rich get Richer and the Poor get poorer

President's Big Social Security Gamble

Bushe's plan will make substantial cuts in Social Security for the Middle Class. Boys and Girls are you seeing what I am seeing? I see the fat cats on high getting fatter and the the Middle Class the bread and butter of the dUnited states becoming poorer. It's a fact that very few people salt away enough money to cover expenses during retirement. If you left it up to the average American, they would rather have a fatter paycheck than money in the bank for the future. The current system of forced savings through Social Security works just fine, thank you very much.
Perhaps raising the amount of money baby boomers must put into Social Security would work better than cutting benefits. No one wants to lose that nest egg. Those of us who are terrible with our finances will lose the most. You can count on that. I agree the system needs to be tweaked to survive the future, but cutting benefits is not the way.
I think raising the ampunt that goes into the pot will be best, that and keeping the Politicians hands out of the Cookie Jar is the best bet. Perhaps we should cut $600,000,000 out of the fat cats golden parachute in the Senate and Congress. That's Per-Year folks. Now That would help. What do you think?

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The New York Times > Washington > Cheney Backs End of Filibustering

The Religious Right is at
it again

Its been in the news for the last week the controversy about ending filibustering in
the Senate. They want their own "Yes Men" on the bench in order to fulfill their desire to take away more of my and your Civil Rights and also undermine the Constitution. Its nothing but a big lie if they tell you that it is not true. It is, and you better believe it. Cheney the resident right wing homophobe is jumping on the bandwagon once again as Shrub's Yes Man to once again chime in in case there is a tie in the vote. Well what we have to do is make damn sure that there is an overwhelming number of votes that there will be no need for his intervention.

Once again me must send a message that the American People are sick and tired of the incessant rhetoric and underhanded tactics of the religious zealots currently in power in our government. It must be made clear as a bell that we aren't going to stand for these schinanigans any more. We must let them know that we will be
there to thwart them every step of the way. These are dangerous times folks and we need to be always on our toes. Ain't that the truth?

The New York Times > Washington > Cheney Backs End of Filibustering


The Religioous Right is at
it again

    Its been in the
news for the last week the controversy about ending filibustering in
the Senate. They want their own "Yes Men" on the bench in order to
fulfil their desire to take away more of my and your Civil Rights and
also undermine the Constitution. Its nothing but a big lie if they tell
you that it is not true. It is and you better believe it. Cheney the
resident right wing homophobe is jumping on the bandwagon once again as
Shrub's Yes Man to once again chime in in case there is a tie in the
vote. Well what we have to do is make damn sure that there is an
overwhelming number of votes that there will be no need for his

    Once again me must send a message that the American
People are sick and tired of the incessant retoric and underhanded
tactics of the religious zealots currently in power in our government.
It must be made clear as a bell that we aren't going to stand for these
schinanigans any more. We must  let them know that we will be
there to thwart them every step of the way. These are dangerous times
folks and we need to be always on our toes. Ain't that the truth?

Friday, April 22, 2005

The New Pope

Will the Catholic church continue as it has for the last thousand years or will it now enter the twenty-first century? Or will it continue to drag us backwards as it seems to be doing now. Will we see a further use of the royal Inquisition from Pope Benedict XVI formerly known as Cardinal Ratzinger. Will it continue to scapegoat sexual minorities and also keep trying to bury the persistent problem of pedifile priests as it has in the past? We must wait and see. Only time will tell.
Personally I don't think that much will change, but that is my opinion. Maybe he will prove us wrong, however I woulden't bet on it. From what I've heard he was the equivelant of Carl Rove in the election of Shrub. I'm looling at this with a very cynical and jaundiced eye.
Sorry folks, I just see history reversed and all the progress made so far now taking a whole bunch of steps backwards. That sorry to say, is my prediction. Such is life.
How was your day?

Friday, April 15, 2005

The New York Times > Washington > Frist Set to Use Religious Stage on Judicial Issue

Danger Will Robinson Danger

He's at it again, Bill Frist, our resident Religious Fanatic and majority leader in the Senate is about to portray the Democrats as against the religious establishment. They're not against the religious establishment you dumb. They are against the use of the religious establishment's heavy handed tactics in our government institutions.

This guy is dangerous folks and he needs to be stopped at all costs. This and all other tactics by the extremist religious zealots must be stopped now. There is a clear and present danger to this government of the United States if these people are not rained in and stopped.

I don't know what else to say. It scares the hell out of me and it should you too.

Don't let him kill the filibuster either. It has been a tradition in the senate and congress and is a way to slow down or stop unnecessary legislation or unqualified or unacceptable candidates from being confirmed.

This is part and parcel of the right wing agenda. I'm tellin ya I don't trust the current administration as far as I can throw them. These are very dangerous times and we need to be ever vigilant. Aint that the truth?

Sunday, April 10, 2005

DeLay's Backers Launch Offense (

Did you read the headlines about Tom DeLay yet?

Now they are going to set up a special committee to put out the fires this guy starts. Not only is he in bed with the radical right, he IS one of them. They are afraid that the Democrats are going to try to unseat him. No shit sherlock, who clued you? This guy is such an idiot, he can't keep his mouth shut no matter what. Makes me wonder if the same thing has happened to him that happened to a person we need not mention who's death was controversial to say the least. Maybe his head is full of dead brain cells and he is operating on automatic pilot. Not being able to think he says anything the religious right wants him to say. Of course that is speculation on my part.

What I do know is that we have to continue to be continually vigilant of these radicals in order to preserve our government and the constitution from their continual assault. A prime example is the Patriot Act which they want to continue unabated. Of course you must remember that this Act was enacted in the heat of frustration just after 9/11 among fears that we would be attacked from within. Some parts of the Act are far reaching and an over reaction to our fears and should be allowed to either expire or continue on a limited basis and be examined sometime in the future when we are less paranoid about such things.

In the mean time we need to keep an eye not only on Mr DeLay but the rest of the Wolf pack scratching at the door of Liberty. The general public needs to know the Truth in order to keep our Government and Constitution free and in tact.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Activist Judges, people and other gobbledegook

This is a relatively new tactic by religious extremeists to call anyone they disagree with an "activist" this or that. Now Senator John Cornyn is calling the American people Activists and blaming the current spate of violence on the American public and so called Activist judges.
How stupid does he think we are? We must remember that the religious extremeists who have infiltrated the Republican party want to change our government into a theocracy and imposing their very narrow views of morality upon all of us. Our forfathers constructed the constitution the way it is because of factions like this who would like nothing better than to destroy our way of life and impose their views upon us. For this reason we must be ever vigilent and protect our form of government jealously.
Watch for code words such as "activist" in their retoric trying to twist it to their way of thinking. They also like to use very broad generalizations such as the "people" have this or that view, while actually it is a very small group that holds these views. This is a misleading tactic geared to mislead those who hear it. The extremeists want to mislead the general public that a mojority arein favor of their retoric when it is actually a very small group that hold these views.
It is our duty to confront them at every turn and expose them for who they are. The Truth shall prevail.