Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cheney's Response A Concern In GOP

This guy should Not have a Gun

Dick Cheney the Vice President showed the American people just how inept he is with a loaded weapon. While quail hunting he accidentally shot a 78 year old Texas Lawyer. What gets me boiling is that he is totally unapoplgetic. Folks this is the US VP, one of the most powerful people in this nation and he refuses to come out publicly about this tragedy.
As far as I am concerned, you are a Public official and as such you are accountalbe to the American people who elected you. You are Not above the law. No matter what you think. As stated in the article, you seem to be immune to public opinion. You seem to think that you are a law unto your self. Guess what? You are not. Although I expect that this will be another cover up by the current administration. You will ultimately be held accountable by the American people and the rest of the world.
We the People Demand that you come clean and explain your self and apologize. Any thing less is disingenuous.

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