Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The election is over. Now What?

OK where do we go from here? Bush got reelected and is on a roll. Personally I think we need to keep very close watch on him to make sure he doesn't go overboard. I think that we should watch his advisers as they are the ones pulling the strings, not Bush. Do the decisions ultimately come down from him or someone else, that is the question? I really don't think that the decisions are totally his.
We now have the Republicans and the Radical Right with a firm hold on government policy making. They want as much control as they can get and they will do it any way they can. So far they are doing just that. As an independent and more or less a centrist I tend to take the middle view. I tend to be one who takes the Devil's Advocate point of view a lot of times in order to get or force people to think about the issues at hand, I think it is imperative that we keep careful watch on what is happening. Those of us who tend to be more on the moderate side (if that is the right term) need to act as a brake in order to slow the process down in order to analyze the situation so that we do the right thing. By that I mean not going overboard with our zealousness and overreaction to current situations.
For those leaning to the left, you need to groom a leader who is more decisive and firm on the issues. It think that is one of the reasons Kerry lost. I also think someone with a less controversial past would be good too. By that I mean someone who's past actions don't contradict the issues now. He wavered way too much and relied too much on other opinions right up the last second before he would make a concrete decision. Only once did I see Bush waver and that was on the Gay issue of marriage. Other wise he stuck to his guns.
At least that is the way I see it.

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