Thursday, October 27, 2005

The New Sunni Jihad: 'A Time for Politics'

Why Not devide Iraq into separate States?

In the article noted above, one part of Iraq imbraces a constitution while another rejects it. Why not then devide Iraq into separate autonomous states, one for those who want a democratic government and another state for those who want their own form of government. That would satisfy both the Suni's and the rest of the Iraqi people.

America invaded Iraq on the pretence of ousting Saddam Hussain and freeing the Iraq's people from his tyranical rule and now they are struggling to take their country back any way they can and by any means they can. It is a struggle or jihad that I don't think will ever end unless or until the USA exits the country. You know dang well that we would have had an American Jihad if someone invaded our country and tried to force us to do something we didn't agree with. You can bank on that. So what is the difference?

We need an exit strategy now and we need to implement it as soon as possible. Let the Iraqui's form their own governmet or let it fall apart or help them form their own with minimal interference. How many times do I have to say "I told you so?"

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

More Lousy service from Chase Bank

Here we go again, more lousy service from Chase Bank formerly Bank One. I was just called by a Don Haxton from Florida in the collections department trying to collect a payment on my car. He continued to talk at the same time as I talked. This is not the way to communicate. One person talks and the other is supposed to listen. If both talk at the same time, one of them is not listening. This is typical of collections people. They won't shut up long enough to listen to what the other person has to say. The second person I talked to was an Anita W. (they won't give their last names) who hung up on me after I questioned why I had to give the exact same information to her a second time. Wasn't she listening? Suddenly the phone was cut off and I got a busy signal.
FINALLY on the third try I got a supervisor who not only listened but explained the charges the way they should have been in the first place. Needless to say I made the payment but will be changing the due date so that this type of aggravation no longer happens.

I still don't know why it took five telephone calls to an automated system. Two of those attempts got the wrong area. It took threats and innuendo to get action. This should never have happened in the first place it the first caller had been able to communicate and listen.

For this reason I warn you to do business with Chase Bank at your own risk. They may be hazardous to your pocketbook. Like the old saying goes, we don't need them, they need us and if enough of us walk away from them perhaps they will get the message that something is wrong and correct it. Or they can go out of business.
Ain't that the truth?

Monday, October 03, 2005

DeLay's Influence Transcends his title

Interesting thoughts on corruption in Washington

The Republicans preach from the bully pulpit acting as though they are angels of God when in fact they are Wolves in Sheeps clothing. Take for instance DeLay's inditment on possible criminal wrongdoing in his campaign finances. As a person who has been a Photojournalist for a small newspaper, I find it amazing that the ones who talk the loudest and act with the greatest piety often are the most corrupt and hypocritical. On the one hand they point out their undying allegiance to the church and with the other do just the opposite.

I have interviewed and have explained various subjects to supposed religious fundamentalists, later finding out that they themselves were the worst transgressors of the faith the profess. They cry about pornography and the exploitation of the masses yet they stare transfixed to the TV watching some of the most degrading filth ever produced. Behind closed doors they practice the debauchery they so vehemently denounce. They go to church on Sunday and on Monday they continue to lie , cheat and steal. Yet they dare to call themselves Christians. Oh my.

It is no wonder the American people are disinchanted with our current government and the president. I really think that we are finally comming to the realization that there must be a change and the ones now in power need to be thrown out and a new regime installed. I don't know if that is the way you feel, but I sure do.

Ain't that the truth?

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Google has too much info on you? How stupid are you?

There was an article in the Washington Post Here about how too much personal information is being revealed on everyone, except me. You see I'm an old time computer user who is paranoid about posting any type of profile on the internet. The only information you will find about me is what I "want" you to know and no more.

As soon as you post a profile anywhere on the internet that information becomes Public Information. Once that is done it can not be undone. This is sheer stupidity. From the day we are born to the day we die we leave a paper trail chronicling our life's history. Only if we jealously safeguard that information and our own privacy can we be secure in the knowledge that others can't tap into it.

This is especially true for the computer. My best advice is never give out personal information in the form of a profile. I you must, then it is advisable to create a factitious identity and use that instead. Use these identities on anonymous mail servers to receive and send mail. Be careful giving out your personal email account, and be careful about revealing too much personal information on it.

One big Caveat. If you use a computer at work, treat it as if you were on a Party Line where anyone can drop in on your conversations. Don't think that they don't. They do believe me. There is no such thing as privacy at work. If you don't believe me, check your policy manual or your personnel manager.

As for me, the only information anyone will know about me is what I want them to know.

Ain't that the truth?

Saturday, September 17, 2005

A Couple of thoughts

I spent one of the last mornings looking at the devastation in New Orleans and our relief efforts there. I also have had to cope with a two and a half day power outage here in Milwaukee. I confess that I rely on electricity for my daily needs. Gee the powers out, no refrigerator, on lights, no computer and no way to recharge my cell phone. Even the gasoline stations could no longer pump gas in my area and I'm on a quarter tank of gas. Fortunately as I drove west out of the city there were stations open and I was able to fill up. The difference was that we didn't get flooded out too. I'm still thinking about buying a small generator, just in case.

The problem is that all this is making me mad as hell. The government knew for years that the levies in and around New Orleans could break causing catastrophic damage. Insteas they ignored it and diverted money and manpower elsewhere. Then what do you know? The inevitable happens. Along came Katrina and destroyed much of the city stranding thousands of poor and needy people in the process. And where is Shrub during all this? Strumming a guitar, that where. Then I ask you, why in the world would anyone in his right mind appoint a bottom feeding lawyer to head Fema? While all this is going on, he's pondering the legal consequences. Is this ridiculous or what?

After reading the Washington Post and New York Times and other newspapers I start to wonder about how prepared we would have been if this were a terrorist attack? Perhaps they are right. We are no safer today than we were four years ago. How true. MoveOn Org. you got that one right. Hit the nail right on the head. All I can say is that this nation needs a drastic change.

Second thought

Shame on you FBI and US Mail for fumbling the ball on the Anthrax thing. Let me make a suggestion. Perhaps we should put a microchip or some sort of identification marker in or on the stamps or envelopes that are mailed so that we can use it to determine the location that those stamps or envelopes came from. It just might make it easier to pin down the origination of the letters that are sent out. There should be a requirement that each post office put a unique identifier on each envelope mailed when it is picked up for delivery and before it gets to the main post office. It will mean that each letter will run through a machine which will print that identifier on it at the pick-up point and before they are sorted for distribution. At least then they will have a specific area to look into making their search easier.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

As White House Anxiety Grows, Bush Tries to Quell Political Crisis - New York Times

The White House is upset?

As they should be, our government slashed funding to upgrade the levies around New Orleans amid fears that a category 5 hurricane would destroy them flooding the city. Sure as shit it has. Now they are worried about the impact it will have on Shrub's future in the White House. In the article it said that they were "thinking about" the people impacted by this horrible event. Thinking is good and so is praying but Action is better.
My advice to the White House is to forget about the impact this has had or will have on Shrub's agenda and get into action to save this valuable asset and save face with the rest of America. As far as I'm concerned Shrubs future is headed down the toilet. Democrats and Republicans should put away their axes and work together to solve this grievous problem now. Accusations and finger pointing needs to be stopped, like the Raging Cajun said "put down your weapons" we have food to deliver and people to help.
Secondly any able bodied American who has the time should volunteer to help in any way that is needed. The Rest of us should open our pocketbooks and donate whatever we can to the disaster effort and your favorite charity.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Chase auto finance and lousy service

I don' know how these guys can operate but I for one once my loan is paid off will not under any circumstances do business with them again. I just got a telephone call from one of their representatives who was the most obnoxious person I ever met. She wouldn't shut up even though I asked her to several times. I finally had to hang up on her and call back to talk to a Bryan in New York who was very helpful. This took several tries since they have one of those automated telephone systems, which I also hate.
What bothers me is that when companies get bigger and bigger the service seems to deteriorate logarithmically in proportion to their size. Don't these idiots realize it is the consumer who they need in order to survive? Like the old saying goes "You are not doing us a favor by giving us your business. We are doing you a fovor by giving you our business. We don't need you, you need us." We can walk away in droves if you continue to give lousy service. We will hit you in the pocketbook where it hurts. Maybe just maybe when your business starts to go down the drain you will wake up and see what you did wrong. If not, then you deserve to go out of business.
Ain't that the truth?

A word of warning Bank One aka Chase may be hazardous to your pocketbook. Deal with them at your own risk.

Oil prices and gasoline. Discounting the hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, have you ever noticed that the price of gasoline seems to go up every weekend and then gradually drops toward the middle of the week? I have and I have been keeping track of it for months. Did you ever notice that when the gas price goes down that it never quite goes down to what it was before? Instead it has slowly creeped upward.
Now I don't know about you but this phenomenon seemed to occur more noticeably just after 9/11 and even more so after Shrub declared war on Iraq. Hey these guys aren't dumb. They may not be powerful when it comes to war but they are shure when it comes to Oil. They hold all the cards, well at least most of them and don't think they aren't shuffling them in their favor. They purposely have the deck stacked against us. Bank on it. So why not hit us where it hurts? Keep raising the gas prices. So far the dumb fuckers in Washington haven't figured it out yet. We shut down their money stockpiles but they suck it right back through the Oil pipelines. So when are our guys in Washington going to wake up a smell the coffee 'er Oil!
I know Shrub isn't the brightest bulb in the pack, but we better do something soon or there will be hell to pay.
Am I the only one who sees what is going on? Come on guys get with the program.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Is this the beginning of the end Mr. President?
Stupid move Mr President, very stupid. Shame on you. This is going to be the biggest miscalculations of your presidential career. The American people are tired of the rhetoric and your bullheadedness and the stupidity of your advisers. The tide is changing and the end is at hand. The politician had better get their act together one way or the other. Lets stop wavering back and forth and face reality. This war has to end and soon. The sooner you come to the realization that this is not a winnable situation the better. Didn't anyone ever watch the movie War Games? Some things are just not winnable. Believe me that is a timetable is not set soon, this will only get worse. You can bank on that.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

OK its been a while I admit. Not much to rant about I guess. Here are a couple of thoughts I thought I'd put down on paper about the war in Iraq etc.

First of all did any of you government types ever study history? It sure seems as thought you didn't. Certainly not our current president who if my memory serves me, was at best an average student. Nothing to crow about. We all know that Daddies little boy became president and is responsible for the situation we are in now, like it or not. Personally I think he is a puppet for the powerbrokers in Washington, that and the religious right.

Now all this vindictive little snot needed was something to justify getting back for daddies mistakes in the middle east. So off to war we went with little preparation and less thought on how the hell to end it.

Oh if they had only read their history books. Grandiose was the thought that if we gave them a better mouse trap (democracy) they would buy it. A feudal war lord have the slightest concept of democracy? Did somebody slip these guys cocaine or some other hallucinogenic drugs? Or are they all suffering from a case of megalomania?

Pure and simple They Lied To Us. Now lets get the hell out of there. The American people and the British are fed up with the eternal bull shit. Its about time we made an exit Don't you think?

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Rove Taking a More Public Role


Hypocrites All

Here we have a president who proclaims
to be a Christian and his top adviser Karl Rove being two of the
nations biggest hypocrites. He says he wants retaliation. This is
directly against Jesus teachings. This is not an eye for an eye 
and a tooth for a tooth, these are your leaders (not mine) who continue
to further alienate us the Untied States against the rest of the world.

We the American people want out, NOW. Continuing this senseless war
will only make things worse. And yes they will continue to attack us.
And NO Mr President the liberals do not need therapy. Are  you
listening Mr Rove? Or are you their mindless amoral robot spouting the
rhetoric of the religious right? You are a dinosaur and need to be
banished from the political scene as soon as possible.

The pressure is on and will continue to mount until you are removed
from office or impeached. You lied to us about the war and you continue
to lie unabated. Your days are numbered. Mark my words. We want you out
the sooner the better.

Ain't that the truth?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Milwaukee Pride fest How do I rate thee?

This years Pridefest has had the best line up of entertainment so far, however I must say that I am extremely disappointed with the management and treatment of the Volunteers at the event. Let me explain. I have volunteered at pridefest since its inception when it was on the grounds by the War Memorial. I have also seen management change over the years. Some of it has been good and some has not been so good. I have seen people with very big egos enter the arena who never should have. Unfortunately some of those people are still there. That is my own opinion and is not what this criticism is all about.
This year I volunteered as usual to do security. I have done this every year. My thought is that they can use a person or people who are licensed professionals along with those who do it out of the goodness of their hearts. As is my custom I showed up early intending to enter the grounds and enjoy the festivities prior to starting my shift. This was not to be and here comes the rub. I was told that I will not be able to enter the grounds prior to my shift supposedly because they were afraid that I would not report and they would not have the required number of people to staff that position. Now I realize that there are some who volunteer to get in for free and not do what they said they would do. That is I assume why they must sign in at the beginning of their shift and then sign out at the end in order to receive their meal ticket, shirt or volunteer pin.
Instead I was told that I would not be able to enter the grounds by a very rude individual and that if I was allowed into the grounds that I would be escorted to the administration building where I would have to wait almost an hour until my shift started. The reason was what I stated above, which to me makes no sense at all. I would think that there would be some trust especially from those who have been volunteering for as long as I have. Apparently not. For this reason I rate them with a D.
Unless there are some drastic changes made I doubt that I will ever volunteer again. I am very disappointed to say the least.

Friday, June 10, 2005

The Downing Street Memo :: What is it?


Lies Lies  and More Lies

Can you believe this? The truth is
finally coming out. Shrub lied to us about Iraq. To me that is not
surprising. To many of you it may come as a surprise and even a shock.
I said it before and I'll say it again. Saddam Hussein was a terrible
leader and needed to be eliminated. I suggested a Surgical strike where
we would go in and get him and  then leave. That's it. End of
story. But nooooo, Mr. Bush wanted to go to war. This form a man who
the religious right portrays as a very religious man instead is a
bloodthirsty waqrmongeer intent upon going to war and twisting the
facts in order to do it.

He was lying then and he is visibly silent today. Why ? Because he is
guilty, thats why. It has cost the American people billions of dollars
and ruined our reputation worldwide. In the eyes of many we truly are
the Ugly Americans.

We must stand up and demand the truth and if none is forthcoming, then
we should start impeachment proceedings. We cannot allow the atrocitys
to continue and our sons and daughters to be killed in this senseless
war. He never was and he never sill be my president.

Friday, May 13, 2005

JS Online: Home valuations jump

The Real Reason for the jump in home valuations and Real estate taxes

The City of Milwaukee doesn't want you to know, this but the real reason for the 12.6% jump in city real estate taxes is the multi-million dollar lawsuits that the city has to pay. Several Cops beat up a citizen and now they are asking for millions in a settlement. Former alderman swept a multimillion dollar retirement plan through the city and now we are stuck with it. Bembenick's husband Elfred Schultz is collecting millions and living in Florida on a supposed health claim (they sent a reporter down there to interview him. He is in better health than he ever has been, if you'd like to know) and we are stuck with it. That's not to mention the boondoggle with county stadium construction. They tried to get away on the cheap and now we are paying for it and having to foot the bill for roof repairs. How about the Marquette Interchange? How much over budget will that be?
Where do you think they are going to get all the money to pay for that? They can't raise the taxes anywhere else, so why not sneak it in with the new re-assessment of the city housing stock? Do you know what? The sheeple will only see dollar signs because they can get more for their homes. Not the real reason behind the increase. This and other reasons are why there is white flight out of the city. Its not racial, its because of the taxes and the hostile climate of our city fathers and greedy elected officials. Don't you think it is about time we woke up and smelled the coffee? Yeah right, its good for the City. Who are you trying to kid?

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Vatican Is Said to Force Jesuit Off Magazine - New York Times

Sickum boy, Sickum

The Catholic church's Rotweiler Pope Benedict is at it again. In another step backwards for Christianity Pope Benedict now is forcing the resignation of the publisher of the Catholic magazine America. Looks to me like we're heading back to the days of the witch hunts and burning times and the Holy Inquisition once again. I asked if he would be better or worse than Pope Paul, well I guess we got our answer. I looked at his election with a jaundiced eye and my predictions have come true. Take this as a warning folks, this Pope is no friend of the opressed and otherwise marginalized anywhere in the world.
It is my belief that the Catholic Church and it's hierarchy has lost sight of Jesus teachings of love for our fellow man and instead is following a path of hatred and abuse of mankind. This is I am afraid, a sorry state of affairs for the Catholic Church and the world a a whole. It saddens me that this would be the ultimate outcome.
My question now is this the beginning of the rise of the Anti-Chirst? Only time will tell. Brace yourselves folks, the ride is about to get a whole lot more bumpy. You can bet on that.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Shrub's plan for Social Security, the Rich get Richer and the Poor get poorer

President's Big Social Security Gamble

Bushe's plan will make substantial cuts in Social Security for the Middle Class. Boys and Girls are you seeing what I am seeing? I see the fat cats on high getting fatter and the the Middle Class the bread and butter of the dUnited states becoming poorer. It's a fact that very few people salt away enough money to cover expenses during retirement. If you left it up to the average American, they would rather have a fatter paycheck than money in the bank for the future. The current system of forced savings through Social Security works just fine, thank you very much.
Perhaps raising the amount of money baby boomers must put into Social Security would work better than cutting benefits. No one wants to lose that nest egg. Those of us who are terrible with our finances will lose the most. You can count on that. I agree the system needs to be tweaked to survive the future, but cutting benefits is not the way.
I think raising the ampunt that goes into the pot will be best, that and keeping the Politicians hands out of the Cookie Jar is the best bet. Perhaps we should cut $600,000,000 out of the fat cats golden parachute in the Senate and Congress. That's Per-Year folks. Now That would help. What do you think?

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The New York Times > Washington > Cheney Backs End of Filibustering

The Religious Right is at
it again

Its been in the news for the last week the controversy about ending filibustering in
the Senate. They want their own "Yes Men" on the bench in order to fulfill their desire to take away more of my and your Civil Rights and also undermine the Constitution. Its nothing but a big lie if they tell you that it is not true. It is, and you better believe it. Cheney the resident right wing homophobe is jumping on the bandwagon once again as Shrub's Yes Man to once again chime in in case there is a tie in the vote. Well what we have to do is make damn sure that there is an overwhelming number of votes that there will be no need for his intervention.

Once again me must send a message that the American People are sick and tired of the incessant rhetoric and underhanded tactics of the religious zealots currently in power in our government. It must be made clear as a bell that we aren't going to stand for these schinanigans any more. We must let them know that we will be
there to thwart them every step of the way. These are dangerous times folks and we need to be always on our toes. Ain't that the truth?

The New York Times > Washington > Cheney Backs End of Filibustering


The Religioous Right is at
it again

    Its been in the
news for the last week the controversy about ending filibustering in
the Senate. They want their own "Yes Men" on the bench in order to
fulfil their desire to take away more of my and your Civil Rights and
also undermine the Constitution. Its nothing but a big lie if they tell
you that it is not true. It is and you better believe it. Cheney the
resident right wing homophobe is jumping on the bandwagon once again as
Shrub's Yes Man to once again chime in in case there is a tie in the
vote. Well what we have to do is make damn sure that there is an
overwhelming number of votes that there will be no need for his

    Once again me must send a message that the American
People are sick and tired of the incessant retoric and underhanded
tactics of the religious zealots currently in power in our government.
It must be made clear as a bell that we aren't going to stand for these
schinanigans any more. We must  let them know that we will be
there to thwart them every step of the way. These are dangerous times
folks and we need to be always on our toes. Ain't that the truth?

Friday, April 22, 2005

The New Pope

Will the Catholic church continue as it has for the last thousand years or will it now enter the twenty-first century? Or will it continue to drag us backwards as it seems to be doing now. Will we see a further use of the royal Inquisition from Pope Benedict XVI formerly known as Cardinal Ratzinger. Will it continue to scapegoat sexual minorities and also keep trying to bury the persistent problem of pedifile priests as it has in the past? We must wait and see. Only time will tell.
Personally I don't think that much will change, but that is my opinion. Maybe he will prove us wrong, however I woulden't bet on it. From what I've heard he was the equivelant of Carl Rove in the election of Shrub. I'm looling at this with a very cynical and jaundiced eye.
Sorry folks, I just see history reversed and all the progress made so far now taking a whole bunch of steps backwards. That sorry to say, is my prediction. Such is life.
How was your day?

Friday, April 15, 2005

The New York Times > Washington > Frist Set to Use Religious Stage on Judicial Issue

Danger Will Robinson Danger

He's at it again, Bill Frist, our resident Religious Fanatic and majority leader in the Senate is about to portray the Democrats as against the religious establishment. They're not against the religious establishment you dumb. They are against the use of the religious establishment's heavy handed tactics in our government institutions.

This guy is dangerous folks and he needs to be stopped at all costs. This and all other tactics by the extremist religious zealots must be stopped now. There is a clear and present danger to this government of the United States if these people are not rained in and stopped.

I don't know what else to say. It scares the hell out of me and it should you too.

Don't let him kill the filibuster either. It has been a tradition in the senate and congress and is a way to slow down or stop unnecessary legislation or unqualified or unacceptable candidates from being confirmed.

This is part and parcel of the right wing agenda. I'm tellin ya I don't trust the current administration as far as I can throw them. These are very dangerous times and we need to be ever vigilant. Aint that the truth?

Sunday, April 10, 2005

DeLay's Backers Launch Offense (

Did you read the headlines about Tom DeLay yet?

Now they are going to set up a special committee to put out the fires this guy starts. Not only is he in bed with the radical right, he IS one of them. They are afraid that the Democrats are going to try to unseat him. No shit sherlock, who clued you? This guy is such an idiot, he can't keep his mouth shut no matter what. Makes me wonder if the same thing has happened to him that happened to a person we need not mention who's death was controversial to say the least. Maybe his head is full of dead brain cells and he is operating on automatic pilot. Not being able to think he says anything the religious right wants him to say. Of course that is speculation on my part.

What I do know is that we have to continue to be continually vigilant of these radicals in order to preserve our government and the constitution from their continual assault. A prime example is the Patriot Act which they want to continue unabated. Of course you must remember that this Act was enacted in the heat of frustration just after 9/11 among fears that we would be attacked from within. Some parts of the Act are far reaching and an over reaction to our fears and should be allowed to either expire or continue on a limited basis and be examined sometime in the future when we are less paranoid about such things.

In the mean time we need to keep an eye not only on Mr DeLay but the rest of the Wolf pack scratching at the door of Liberty. The general public needs to know the Truth in order to keep our Government and Constitution free and in tact.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Activist Judges, people and other gobbledegook

This is a relatively new tactic by religious extremeists to call anyone they disagree with an "activist" this or that. Now Senator John Cornyn is calling the American people Activists and blaming the current spate of violence on the American public and so called Activist judges.
How stupid does he think we are? We must remember that the religious extremeists who have infiltrated the Republican party want to change our government into a theocracy and imposing their very narrow views of morality upon all of us. Our forfathers constructed the constitution the way it is because of factions like this who would like nothing better than to destroy our way of life and impose their views upon us. For this reason we must be ever vigilent and protect our form of government jealously.
Watch for code words such as "activist" in their retoric trying to twist it to their way of thinking. They also like to use very broad generalizations such as the "people" have this or that view, while actually it is a very small group that holds these views. This is a misleading tactic geared to mislead those who hear it. The extremeists want to mislead the general public that a mojority arein favor of their retoric when it is actually a very small group that hold these views.
It is our duty to confront them at every turn and expose them for who they are. The Truth shall prevail.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Question of the right to die with dignity
and Terry Schiavo

I have always been taught that the Soul inhabits the body until death
at which time it leaves and ascends into heaven to be with God. It is my
understanding that the body is a vessel for the soul here on earth. The
body is made up of organic material including the brain which functions
as the central clearing house for all the bodies automatic functions.
The Soul which inhabits the body controls all of the conscious and most
of the subconscious activities. Most of us are unaware of these things
as we go through life.
I was always told and I believe it is in the Bible that we were
given one body which we should take care of as best we can in order to
remain healthy and live as long as possible. I was also taught that we
should not abuse it because of the irreparable damage we may cause to
it. Of course we do make mistakes from time to time and these can be
repaired or reversed by stopping the bad practice or through medical
means. Don't get me wrong, medicine can do only do so much to repair the
damage. Damage that can not be repaired we must live with, like it or
not. Unfortunately some of us do things that can and does cause enough
damage that the body ceases to function and death occurs unless
immediate intervention is initiated in order to stop irreversible damage
from occurring. Sometimes, and this happens a lot, the treatment comes
too late and the damage is done.
In my opinion this is what happened to Terry Schiavo. Her eating
disorder caused her heart to stop beating and by the time help arrived
the brain sustained so much damage that she was no longer able to
function as we know it. Here is where the conundrum persists. The
question persists as to whether the Soul still inhabits her body,
trapped so to speak, and unable to communicate in any fashion, a form
of pergetory or personal hell if you will? Or has the soul gone on and
left the empty shell kept alive by artificial means on automatic pilot
by whatever is left of the brain? This we will never know and these and
other questions remain unanswered.
Who is right in this case? The parents whose undying love for their
daughter propels them with he hope that a miracle will happen and she
will someday awaken, or her realist husband who has even gone to medical
school in the hopes of finding a solution and realizing that there is
none, now wishes her to die and not be kept alive by artificial means, a
wish she expressed before this awful thing happened.
There is a time for everything. There is a time to be born and there
is a time to die and only God can make that decision. None of us should
play the role of God. It is not our decision no matter what our hopes are.
I pray that this awful ordeal finally comes to and end and that
Terry is allowed the dignity she deserves.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

CQ CQ CQ Calling all Amateur Radio Operators

Hey I opologize. America is al little slow on the uptake as far as the Tsunami disaster is concerned. We're cetting up to speed like that old railroad train chugging along picking up speed by the minute. However I really don't think it is fair to call us a bunch of tightwads or stingy.

Griping over. Here is my suggestion

How about all you Amateur Radio Operators doing your part to help out by signing on to help communicating or relaying information by joining your local Amateur Radio Emergency Service
chapter in you area (ARES) and get on board helping with disaster communications. I'm sure that they can use all the help they can get.

Suggestions for giving personal items; Cooking utensils, clothing, Tents, and personal hygene items.
Businesses can help by providing building materials, hammers, nails, saws and roofing materials. Bigger companies if they can afford it, bulldozers and front end loaders and perhaps a couple of busses for transportation.
Of course food is always needed but it would be better to give money for this to your favorite legitimate charity so that they can supply those kind of things.

Lets get going here, times a wasting.