Thursday, October 27, 2005

The New Sunni Jihad: 'A Time for Politics'

Why Not devide Iraq into separate States?

In the article noted above, one part of Iraq imbraces a constitution while another rejects it. Why not then devide Iraq into separate autonomous states, one for those who want a democratic government and another state for those who want their own form of government. That would satisfy both the Suni's and the rest of the Iraqi people.

America invaded Iraq on the pretence of ousting Saddam Hussain and freeing the Iraq's people from his tyranical rule and now they are struggling to take their country back any way they can and by any means they can. It is a struggle or jihad that I don't think will ever end unless or until the USA exits the country. You know dang well that we would have had an American Jihad if someone invaded our country and tried to force us to do something we didn't agree with. You can bank on that. So what is the difference?

We need an exit strategy now and we need to implement it as soon as possible. Let the Iraqui's form their own governmet or let it fall apart or help them form their own with minimal interference. How many times do I have to say "I told you so?"

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