Sunday, September 04, 2005

As White House Anxiety Grows, Bush Tries to Quell Political Crisis - New York Times

The White House is upset?

As they should be, our government slashed funding to upgrade the levies around New Orleans amid fears that a category 5 hurricane would destroy them flooding the city. Sure as shit it has. Now they are worried about the impact it will have on Shrub's future in the White House. In the article it said that they were "thinking about" the people impacted by this horrible event. Thinking is good and so is praying but Action is better.
My advice to the White House is to forget about the impact this has had or will have on Shrub's agenda and get into action to save this valuable asset and save face with the rest of America. As far as I'm concerned Shrubs future is headed down the toilet. Democrats and Republicans should put away their axes and work together to solve this grievous problem now. Accusations and finger pointing needs to be stopped, like the Raging Cajun said "put down your weapons" we have food to deliver and people to help.
Secondly any able bodied American who has the time should volunteer to help in any way that is needed. The Rest of us should open our pocketbooks and donate whatever we can to the disaster effort and your favorite charity.

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