Friday, April 22, 2005

The New Pope

Will the Catholic church continue as it has for the last thousand years or will it now enter the twenty-first century? Or will it continue to drag us backwards as it seems to be doing now. Will we see a further use of the royal Inquisition from Pope Benedict XVI formerly known as Cardinal Ratzinger. Will it continue to scapegoat sexual minorities and also keep trying to bury the persistent problem of pedifile priests as it has in the past? We must wait and see. Only time will tell.
Personally I don't think that much will change, but that is my opinion. Maybe he will prove us wrong, however I woulden't bet on it. From what I've heard he was the equivelant of Carl Rove in the election of Shrub. I'm looling at this with a very cynical and jaundiced eye.
Sorry folks, I just see history reversed and all the progress made so far now taking a whole bunch of steps backwards. That sorry to say, is my prediction. Such is life.
How was your day?

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