Sunday, April 10, 2005

DeLay's Backers Launch Offense (

Did you read the headlines about Tom DeLay yet?

Now they are going to set up a special committee to put out the fires this guy starts. Not only is he in bed with the radical right, he IS one of them. They are afraid that the Democrats are going to try to unseat him. No shit sherlock, who clued you? This guy is such an idiot, he can't keep his mouth shut no matter what. Makes me wonder if the same thing has happened to him that happened to a person we need not mention who's death was controversial to say the least. Maybe his head is full of dead brain cells and he is operating on automatic pilot. Not being able to think he says anything the religious right wants him to say. Of course that is speculation on my part.

What I do know is that we have to continue to be continually vigilant of these radicals in order to preserve our government and the constitution from their continual assault. A prime example is the Patriot Act which they want to continue unabated. Of course you must remember that this Act was enacted in the heat of frustration just after 9/11 among fears that we would be attacked from within. Some parts of the Act are far reaching and an over reaction to our fears and should be allowed to either expire or continue on a limited basis and be examined sometime in the future when we are less paranoid about such things.

In the mean time we need to keep an eye not only on Mr DeLay but the rest of the Wolf pack scratching at the door of Liberty. The general public needs to know the Truth in order to keep our Government and Constitution free and in tact.

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