Friday, April 08, 2005

Activist Judges, people and other gobbledegook

This is a relatively new tactic by religious extremeists to call anyone they disagree with an "activist" this or that. Now Senator John Cornyn is calling the American people Activists and blaming the current spate of violence on the American public and so called Activist judges.
How stupid does he think we are? We must remember that the religious extremeists who have infiltrated the Republican party want to change our government into a theocracy and imposing their very narrow views of morality upon all of us. Our forfathers constructed the constitution the way it is because of factions like this who would like nothing better than to destroy our way of life and impose their views upon us. For this reason we must be ever vigilent and protect our form of government jealously.
Watch for code words such as "activist" in their retoric trying to twist it to their way of thinking. They also like to use very broad generalizations such as the "people" have this or that view, while actually it is a very small group that holds these views. This is a misleading tactic geared to mislead those who hear it. The extremeists want to mislead the general public that a mojority arein favor of their retoric when it is actually a very small group that hold these views.
It is our duty to confront them at every turn and expose them for who they are. The Truth shall prevail.

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