Sunday, June 26, 2005

Rove Taking a More Public Role


Hypocrites All

Here we have a president who proclaims
to be a Christian and his top adviser Karl Rove being two of the
nations biggest hypocrites. He says he wants retaliation. This is
directly against Jesus teachings. This is not an eye for an eye 
and a tooth for a tooth, these are your leaders (not mine) who continue
to further alienate us the Untied States against the rest of the world.

We the American people want out, NOW. Continuing this senseless war
will only make things worse. And yes they will continue to attack us.
And NO Mr President the liberals do not need therapy. Are  you
listening Mr Rove? Or are you their mindless amoral robot spouting the
rhetoric of the religious right? You are a dinosaur and need to be
banished from the political scene as soon as possible.

The pressure is on and will continue to mount until you are removed
from office or impeached. You lied to us about the war and you continue
to lie unabated. Your days are numbered. Mark my words. We want you out
the sooner the better.

Ain't that the truth?

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