Sunday, June 12, 2005

Milwaukee Pride fest How do I rate thee?

This years Pridefest has had the best line up of entertainment so far, however I must say that I am extremely disappointed with the management and treatment of the Volunteers at the event. Let me explain. I have volunteered at pridefest since its inception when it was on the grounds by the War Memorial. I have also seen management change over the years. Some of it has been good and some has not been so good. I have seen people with very big egos enter the arena who never should have. Unfortunately some of those people are still there. That is my own opinion and is not what this criticism is all about.
This year I volunteered as usual to do security. I have done this every year. My thought is that they can use a person or people who are licensed professionals along with those who do it out of the goodness of their hearts. As is my custom I showed up early intending to enter the grounds and enjoy the festivities prior to starting my shift. This was not to be and here comes the rub. I was told that I will not be able to enter the grounds prior to my shift supposedly because they were afraid that I would not report and they would not have the required number of people to staff that position. Now I realize that there are some who volunteer to get in for free and not do what they said they would do. That is I assume why they must sign in at the beginning of their shift and then sign out at the end in order to receive their meal ticket, shirt or volunteer pin.
Instead I was told that I would not be able to enter the grounds by a very rude individual and that if I was allowed into the grounds that I would be escorted to the administration building where I would have to wait almost an hour until my shift started. The reason was what I stated above, which to me makes no sense at all. I would think that there would be some trust especially from those who have been volunteering for as long as I have. Apparently not. For this reason I rate them with a D.
Unless there are some drastic changes made I doubt that I will ever volunteer again. I am very disappointed to say the least.

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