Friday, June 10, 2005

The Downing Street Memo :: What is it?


Lies Lies  and More Lies

Can you believe this? The truth is
finally coming out. Shrub lied to us about Iraq. To me that is not
surprising. To many of you it may come as a surprise and even a shock.
I said it before and I'll say it again. Saddam Hussein was a terrible
leader and needed to be eliminated. I suggested a Surgical strike where
we would go in and get him and  then leave. That's it. End of
story. But nooooo, Mr. Bush wanted to go to war. This form a man who
the religious right portrays as a very religious man instead is a
bloodthirsty waqrmongeer intent upon going to war and twisting the
facts in order to do it.

He was lying then and he is visibly silent today. Why ? Because he is
guilty, thats why. It has cost the American people billions of dollars
and ruined our reputation worldwide. In the eyes of many we truly are
the Ugly Americans.

We must stand up and demand the truth and if none is forthcoming, then
we should start impeachment proceedings. We cannot allow the atrocitys
to continue and our sons and daughters to be killed in this senseless
war. He never was and he never sill be my president.

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