Friday, April 15, 2005

The New York Times > Washington > Frist Set to Use Religious Stage on Judicial Issue

Danger Will Robinson Danger

He's at it again, Bill Frist, our resident Religious Fanatic and majority leader in the Senate is about to portray the Democrats as against the religious establishment. They're not against the religious establishment you dumb. They are against the use of the religious establishment's heavy handed tactics in our government institutions.

This guy is dangerous folks and he needs to be stopped at all costs. This and all other tactics by the extremist religious zealots must be stopped now. There is a clear and present danger to this government of the United States if these people are not rained in and stopped.

I don't know what else to say. It scares the hell out of me and it should you too.

Don't let him kill the filibuster either. It has been a tradition in the senate and congress and is a way to slow down or stop unnecessary legislation or unqualified or unacceptable candidates from being confirmed.

This is part and parcel of the right wing agenda. I'm tellin ya I don't trust the current administration as far as I can throw them. These are very dangerous times and we need to be ever vigilant. Aint that the truth?

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