Thursday, January 12, 2006

Alito Leaves Door Open to Reversing 'Roe'

Liar Liar Pants on fire

If you read the hearing summary, it comes to light that Alito had belonged to the Concerned Alumni of Princeton which had quite a notariety on social issues at that time. Alito it was noted touted his membership in this organization.

Then he goes on to say that he doesn't remember ever being a member. How convienment. Someone thqt well educated and especially a lawyer or law student does not forget such things.

Remember folks, in order to be a good lawyer you have to have an exceptional memory. In my opinion this is not a memory loss. It is an outright lie on his part. Republican right wing demagogary and accusations that he is somehow being picked on just don't jive. How tipical that the accuser becomes the accused when they can't get their way. A common tactic of right wing zealots. Shame on you.

Alito's refusal to adequately answer questions leaves me wondering if he could possibly be persuaded to overturn Roe V. Wade?
Is this the kind of perosn we want in the Supreme Court? Not is I can help it.

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