Saturday, September 11, 2004

Political Polls. Don't you just love it?

Reading the Washington Post and other newspapers quoting the latest polls about how Shrub is now ahead. The problem is that you have to read almost all the way to the end of the article to find out that the so called poll used a sampling of only 875 people. Now my question is where were these people located? Just one area or scattered across the USA? I highly doubt it was scattered all over the USA. Also how about the demographics? If it was in the New York or Washington area? I would bet that the figures would be skewed in favor of Bush. Why you ask? Well how about the fact that the Republican National Convention just happened to be right near by in New York City. Given the fact that people are pumped up at this point in time after all the rah rah rah from the presidential pep-talk. Don't you think? Oh yeah, how about the other three million people eligible to vote? Hogwash I say.

I really don't place much in these so called polls. If the sampling was 10,000 people that would be better or more accurate. Maybe. Then again it depends upon who, when and where. Remember the old saying; Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you read, especially now. Politicians are like car salesmen. They'll tell you anything to make a sale. Polls are the same way. It depends upon who is doing the polling and how biased they are.

Does all this polling really make a difference? I doubt it. Its just another mental exercise for the cerebral types to pump up their inflated egos. Mental puffery, if you will. Nothing more.

Just step out into the streets and you will know how the majority of the American people feel.
I don't think the American people are as fickle as they would like us to believe. Time will tell.

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