Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Here we go again RNC spin doctors

Oh boy, here we go again. Now they are trying to paint the president as Decicive and Determined. Yeah right. Remember folks, he was determined to invade Iraq long before 9/11. Also remember that there was and still is no conclusive proof that there were weapons of mass destruction.

Are we forgetting something here?

Oh yeah he's a good wartime president. Instaead of authorizing a surgical strike to eliminate Saddam or capture him, he opted for Shock and Awe, devastating Iraq and coompletely destabalizing the country. At the same time angering its neighbors with his bullheaded tactics.

Wake up and smell the coffee, people.

The RNC is geared to raise the support of the unthinking masses and his spin doctors are trying to show him as a powereful president. Powerfvul maybe but definitely not the brightest bulb in the pack. Bullheaded, definitely. Also this guy is in bed with the religious right. They don't want you to see this so they are keeping a muzzle on the radical ones by only inviting moderate religious leaders to the convention. He'll let them back out when this is all over, you can bet on that. Then it is back to business as usual. Then they wil go back to stomp on more of our civil rights. That you can take to the bank.

So what about the economy and jobs and the defecit? How are we going to pay for that when no one is working? Talk about pandering to the greedy corporate big shots. What about medicare and skyrocketing drug costs? He doesnn't want you to think about those things, now does he?

Speaking about war, how about the toll in Iraq? Over a thousand US soldiers killed so far(and counting), after he declared victory. Please read the news. We are nowhere closer to peace. If anything under Shrub we are worse off, not better.

Now do you still want a president like that? I don't.

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