Monday, August 30, 2004

I read an article that originally came from the Washington Post about how we are losing our grip on different cities in Iraq. The article said that the US handed over parts of Iraq to liberated Iraqis in order to restore some semblance of normalcy. In the mean time the radicals have been systematically capturing, torturing or beheading anyone involved with the US efforts to restore order. Many of them have fled along with their families and now these insurgents have taken over the cities we thought we had secured and instituted the same kind of rule as Hussein did when he was in power. How sad. Now we are holed up in secure bunkers outside these cities and no longer able to go inside without an armored caravan.

The newspapers want you to think that everything is just rosy and that we are making headway for the Iraqi people. Well I've got news for you. If you read between the lines or read other news reports you will find that just the opposite is true.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, you're dealing with a feudal society run by warlords who have absolutely no concept of Democracy whatsoever. If and when we leave Iraq it will implode upon itself, civil war will erupt and the nation will revert back to the same type of government it had before the war. Another bloodthirsty dictator will emerge. Whether he will be better or worse than the last is to be seen. My bet is that he will be just as bad or worse.

George Bush is failing miserably in Iraq and against terrorism in general. Not only that he is a vindictive and mean spirited president. Believe me, the spin doctors will be feverishly at work during the GOP presidential convention in New York painting as rosy picture as they can. Just remember you can paint roses on a trashcan but it still stinks when you lift the lid.
Ain't that the gosh honest truth?

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