Friday, May 21, 2004

Just got through reading The Da Vinci Code. It starts off slow and then picks up speed to where you don't want to put the book down. It is also packed with all kinds of historical information. I even went out and purchased a copy of a art book on the famous painting by Da Vinci. I also picked up about ten other books on other related subjects such as the Templers, Mary Magdaline etc. It sure raises questions about the origins of the Bible and perhaps how it was put together and what was possibly edited out to make it conform to the church's teachings we all take for granted.
Long before the book came out I had read the Pistis Sophia, the Dead Sea scrolls, books on the Illuminati and the Templers not to mention various forgotten books of the Bible. Many of the things mentioned in the book are familiar to me. Being a High Priest in the Old Religion and a follower of the Druidic tradition helps. Just as the Church had tried to obliterate The Wiccan religion and the Burning Times it does not surprise me that they probably have also tried to obliterate any mention of Mary Magdaline and her relationship to Jesus. Texts and books have been destroyed from the beginning of time by revisionists in order to change history to fit their twisted vision of reality.
Take it for what it is worth, a good read or a book that raises many questions concerning what we believe. Either way it is worth it. As Mulder said in the X Files "The truth is out there."

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