Sunday, September 24, 2006

Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat - New York Times

Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat - New York Times

It took them how long to figure this out? I said that from the beginning that invading Iraq would intensify terrorism throughout the worls, but would anybody listen? Of coursae not. I live in the midwest, the heartland of the USA and if I can see it, why can't they?
The problem as I see it is that our government officials consistently have been painting a rosy picture to the people while glossing over the truth that terrorism and radicalism is steadly growing in the middle east. When are they going to get it? THEY DON'T WANT US THERE. Plain and simple.
Isn't it about time we said "enough is enough. Lets get out NOW." THIS WAR IS UNWINABLE. Take a hint from the movie War Games. Some wars are not worth fighting and the best strategy is not to fight them at all.
Like the fight against Gays and Lesbians and Marriage, religious leaders in both country's see an opportunity to stir up the sheeple into a frenzy of hatred and intolerance. In the USA it is about religious intolerance, but in Iraq it is not so much about religion but about hatred that has been simmering below the surface for centuries. It is one group against another for a fight for what is considered holy land. It is feudal war lords or tribal leaders against other tribal leaders for ppower not Democracy, something they have no concept of and want nothing to do with. They hate us because we are trying to force it down their throats and they will do anything to stop it including genoside.
There will be civil war, you can bank on that. I don't think we need to be there when it does. What we should do is watch fromn the sidelines from a safe distance. Contain the violence if we must, but for the most part let it run its course. Perhaps then after all is done we can come back to the negotiating table.
We need to hightail it to higher ground. Let them fight it out. Then and only then should we decide if it is worth it to continue.
What do you think?

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