Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Cleric Steeped in Ways of Power - New York Times

A Cleric Steeped in Ways of Power - New York Times


Our nation, the good old US of A is in the grips of religious extremists. Many of them have jumped on the bandwagon and are using Gays and Lesbians as a target of choice in order to incite the sheeple into action. In a sense it is a war that is going on here at home.
Do you see the similarity in the Arab nations? Their religious leaders have jumped on the bandwagon using hatred to stir up the sheeple in their own country and abroad. Because they don't live in a democracy they twist the rules to suit their own agendas. Unlike us and because they essentially don't have any rules of engagement, they have taken their hatred over seas to other countrys.
The probeem is as I see it is that the sheeple they are influencing are far less educated and farther in poverty than almost everyone else. They hate the fact that we have it so good and they don't. Like small children they have discovered that it is easier to break things than to build them up.
I don't know, but what I see here is not so much as hatred but jealousy. They hate that we have so much and they have so little. Now don't get me wrong, it is nice that we are trying to bring them into the 21st century and introduce them to democracy however, what we really need to do is give them an education and teach them to be self sufficient. If we teach them how to build things and maintain them, they will no longer hate us. Also we need to educate them about how their religious leaders are leading them down the road to disaster, not a better life here or in paradise.
My suggestion is to build schools and start to educate them. Then I think there will be change for the better. Ain't that the truth?

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