JS Online:Green plans appeal
they're at it again or more crooked Republicans
Mark Green A Republican running for Governor in the ?State of Wisconsin illegally transferred $467,844 in out of state federal PAC funds into his state campaign fund. He plans to appeal the decision to the states Supreme Court. Sounds like the same underhanded tactics Shrub has been using to circumvent the legal restrictions set in place to curb unethical practices.
As many should know Green is one of the far rights extremist candidates in Wisconsin upcoming November elections. Firmly in bed with the Religious Right, he plans to further curb our civil rights if and when he is elected. He is against Stem Cell research and the Constitutional amendment to restrict Gay marriage or any form of partnership agreement currently recognized in our state. Not only is it anti-religious but it is mean spirited.
It is my sincere hope that the courts uphold their decision and force Mr Green to divest the illegally transferred out of state federal campaign funds.
Personally I think that no candidate should be allowed to accept out of state funds for use in political campaigns. Not only that, I think it should be illegal for any out of state group be allowed to participate or be used in any manner in political campaigns. These companies or groups should be required to be registered in Wisconsin and abide by the laws governing political PAC's rules and regulations. We need a even playing field the funds be restricted to a certain amount (cap if you will) and then be forced to work within these caps. That would make the playing field more even for each candidate. They would then be forced to run on their reputation, not by how much money they can accumulate.
That would make come very interesting elections, don't you think?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat - New York Times
Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat - New York Times
It took them how long to figure this out? I said that from the beginning that invading Iraq would intensify terrorism throughout the worls, but would anybody listen? Of coursae not. I live in the midwest, the heartland of the USA and if I can see it, why can't they?
The problem as I see it is that our government officials consistently have been painting a rosy picture to the people while glossing over the truth that terrorism and radicalism is steadly growing in the middle east. When are they going to get it? THEY DON'T WANT US THERE. Plain and simple.
Isn't it about time we said "enough is enough. Lets get out NOW." THIS WAR IS UNWINABLE. Take a hint from the movie War Games. Some wars are not worth fighting and the best strategy is not to fight them at all.
Like the fight against Gays and Lesbians and Marriage, religious leaders in both country's see an opportunity to stir up the sheeple into a frenzy of hatred and intolerance. In the USA it is about religious intolerance, but in Iraq it is not so much about religion but about hatred that has been simmering below the surface for centuries. It is one group against another for a fight for what is considered holy land. It is feudal war lords or tribal leaders against other tribal leaders for ppower not Democracy, something they have no concept of and want nothing to do with. They hate us because we are trying to force it down their throats and they will do anything to stop it including genoside.
There will be civil war, you can bank on that. I don't think we need to be there when it does. What we should do is watch fromn the sidelines from a safe distance. Contain the violence if we must, but for the most part let it run its course. Perhaps then after all is done we can come back to the negotiating table.
We need to hightail it to higher ground. Let them fight it out. Then and only then should we decide if it is worth it to continue.
What do you think?
It took them how long to figure this out? I said that from the beginning that invading Iraq would intensify terrorism throughout the worls, but would anybody listen? Of coursae not. I live in the midwest, the heartland of the USA and if I can see it, why can't they?
The problem as I see it is that our government officials consistently have been painting a rosy picture to the people while glossing over the truth that terrorism and radicalism is steadly growing in the middle east. When are they going to get it? THEY DON'T WANT US THERE. Plain and simple.
Isn't it about time we said "enough is enough. Lets get out NOW." THIS WAR IS UNWINABLE. Take a hint from the movie War Games. Some wars are not worth fighting and the best strategy is not to fight them at all.
Like the fight against Gays and Lesbians and Marriage, religious leaders in both country's see an opportunity to stir up the sheeple into a frenzy of hatred and intolerance. In the USA it is about religious intolerance, but in Iraq it is not so much about religion but about hatred that has been simmering below the surface for centuries. It is one group against another for a fight for what is considered holy land. It is feudal war lords or tribal leaders against other tribal leaders for ppower not Democracy, something they have no concept of and want nothing to do with. They hate us because we are trying to force it down their throats and they will do anything to stop it including genoside.
There will be civil war, you can bank on that. I don't think we need to be there when it does. What we should do is watch fromn the sidelines from a safe distance. Contain the violence if we must, but for the most part let it run its course. Perhaps then after all is done we can come back to the negotiating table.
We need to hightail it to higher ground. Let them fight it out. Then and only then should we decide if it is worth it to continue.
What do you think?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
U.N. Inspectors Dispute Iran Report By House Panel - washingtonpost.com
U.N. Inspectors Dispute Iran Report By House Panel - washingtonpost.com
How stupid is this administration? This is the most corrupt administration I have ever seen. The Washington Post even has a link to the Letter (in pdf format) by the IAEA to the White House calling it misleading and outrageous.
We all know that the supplies of oil are diminishing and will soon be depleted if we don't turn to alternative fuels in the near future. Other nations know that too and are taking steps to curtail its use. One of those steps is to return to Atomic Energy for electricity to run their country's infrastructure.
Atomic energy if used safely and the spent fuel disposed of properly is a good alternative. Indeed if it is used to produce atomic bombs it can be very dangerous to mankind's survival. Everyone on earth knows or should know the dangers its improper use can be and its long term effects (just ask the Japanese and the Russian people concerning the tragedy of Chernobal)
Mr President you pulled the wool over our eyes once but you can't do it again. You lied to us about the supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and now you are trying to do it again with Iran. Well I've got news for you, its not going to work. We are wise to you now and we are not going to let you get away with it again. Not now or ever.
Ain't that the truth?
How stupid is this administration? This is the most corrupt administration I have ever seen. The Washington Post even has a link to the Letter (in pdf format) by the IAEA to the White House calling it misleading and outrageous.
We all know that the supplies of oil are diminishing and will soon be depleted if we don't turn to alternative fuels in the near future. Other nations know that too and are taking steps to curtail its use. One of those steps is to return to Atomic Energy for electricity to run their country's infrastructure.
Atomic energy if used safely and the spent fuel disposed of properly is a good alternative. Indeed if it is used to produce atomic bombs it can be very dangerous to mankind's survival. Everyone on earth knows or should know the dangers its improper use can be and its long term effects (just ask the Japanese and the Russian people concerning the tragedy of Chernobal)
Mr President you pulled the wool over our eyes once but you can't do it again. You lied to us about the supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and now you are trying to do it again with Iran. Well I've got news for you, its not going to work. We are wise to you now and we are not going to let you get away with it again. Not now or ever.
Ain't that the truth?
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Bush Says Iraq Victory Is Vital - washingtonpost.com
Bush Says Iraq Victory Is Vital - washingtonpost.com
Just where does he get the idea that the terrorists will follow us when we finally decide to leave Iraq? Since the beginning of the war in Iraq America has relied on faulty and misleading information cooked up by Bush's cronies in order to fuel his desire for revenge. Like the cowboy that he is, we went into Iraq with guns blazing in a hale of gunfire designed to 'Shock and Awe' whom? The Iraqis or the American audience glued to their TV sets?
Time and time again our war mongering president has painted a rosy picture of our supposed progress when in fact the exact opposite is true. It is like trying to put out an underground fire that seems to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. They rush out and put one fire out and another seems to pop up somewhere else. It is a neverending battle no one is ever going to win and we are better off letting it burn itself out than wasting valuable resources.
Remember that there are big companies making megabucks off this war. They don't want this to stop. Why? Because they stand to lose Billions when it ends. In the mean time our sons and daughters are getting killed fo no good reason.
Prior to 9/11 we were a Soft-Target (easy target if you will), now we are a Hard-Target. The Sleeping Tiger is awake and will protect its young( You and I) at any cost. We are no longer an easy target, that is why the enemy is hitting foreigh countries. The bad guys always prey on the weak and we are not weak by any shape of the imagination. Granted we are not perfect, far from it, but we are now more vigilant if not just a little paranoid when it comes to our safety.
This war in my opinion is another Viet Nam. A no-win situation once again run by the politians and micromanaged by a President who's only thing going for him is Fear. Sooner or later it has to stop. Sooner would be better, don't you think?
Just where does he get the idea that the terrorists will follow us when we finally decide to leave Iraq? Since the beginning of the war in Iraq America has relied on faulty and misleading information cooked up by Bush's cronies in order to fuel his desire for revenge. Like the cowboy that he is, we went into Iraq with guns blazing in a hale of gunfire designed to 'Shock and Awe' whom? The Iraqis or the American audience glued to their TV sets?
Time and time again our war mongering president has painted a rosy picture of our supposed progress when in fact the exact opposite is true. It is like trying to put out an underground fire that seems to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. They rush out and put one fire out and another seems to pop up somewhere else. It is a neverending battle no one is ever going to win and we are better off letting it burn itself out than wasting valuable resources.
Remember that there are big companies making megabucks off this war. They don't want this to stop. Why? Because they stand to lose Billions when it ends. In the mean time our sons and daughters are getting killed fo no good reason.
Prior to 9/11 we were a Soft-Target (easy target if you will), now we are a Hard-Target. The Sleeping Tiger is awake and will protect its young( You and I) at any cost. We are no longer an easy target, that is why the enemy is hitting foreigh countries. The bad guys always prey on the weak and we are not weak by any shape of the imagination. Granted we are not perfect, far from it, but we are now more vigilant if not just a little paranoid when it comes to our safety.
This war in my opinion is another Viet Nam. A no-win situation once again run by the politians and micromanaged by a President who's only thing going for him is Fear. Sooner or later it has to stop. Sooner would be better, don't you think?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
A Cleric Steeped in Ways of Power - New York Times
A Cleric Steeped in Ways of Power - New York Times
Our nation, the good old US of A is in the grips of religious extremists. Many of them have jumped on the bandwagon and are using Gays and Lesbians as a target of choice in order to incite the sheeple into action. In a sense it is a war that is going on here at home.
Do you see the similarity in the Arab nations? Their religious leaders have jumped on the bandwagon using hatred to stir up the sheeple in their own country and abroad. Because they don't live in a democracy they twist the rules to suit their own agendas. Unlike us and because they essentially don't have any rules of engagement, they have taken their hatred over seas to other countrys.
The probeem is as I see it is that the sheeple they are influencing are far less educated and farther in poverty than almost everyone else. They hate the fact that we have it so good and they don't. Like small children they have discovered that it is easier to break things than to build them up.
I don't know, but what I see here is not so much as hatred but jealousy. They hate that we have so much and they have so little. Now don't get me wrong, it is nice that we are trying to bring them into the 21st century and introduce them to democracy however, what we really need to do is give them an education and teach them to be self sufficient. If we teach them how to build things and maintain them, they will no longer hate us. Also we need to educate them about how their religious leaders are leading them down the road to disaster, not a better life here or in paradise.
My suggestion is to build schools and start to educate them. Then I think there will be change for the better. Ain't that the truth?
Our nation, the good old US of A is in the grips of religious extremists. Many of them have jumped on the bandwagon and are using Gays and Lesbians as a target of choice in order to incite the sheeple into action. In a sense it is a war that is going on here at home.
Do you see the similarity in the Arab nations? Their religious leaders have jumped on the bandwagon using hatred to stir up the sheeple in their own country and abroad. Because they don't live in a democracy they twist the rules to suit their own agendas. Unlike us and because they essentially don't have any rules of engagement, they have taken their hatred over seas to other countrys.
The probeem is as I see it is that the sheeple they are influencing are far less educated and farther in poverty than almost everyone else. They hate the fact that we have it so good and they don't. Like small children they have discovered that it is easier to break things than to build them up.
I don't know, but what I see here is not so much as hatred but jealousy. They hate that we have so much and they have so little. Now don't get me wrong, it is nice that we are trying to bring them into the 21st century and introduce them to democracy however, what we really need to do is give them an education and teach them to be self sufficient. If we teach them how to build things and maintain them, they will no longer hate us. Also we need to educate them about how their religious leaders are leading them down the road to disaster, not a better life here or in paradise.
My suggestion is to build schools and start to educate them. Then I think there will be change for the better. Ain't that the truth?
Friday, September 08, 2006
Good news everyone
You can now comment on my posts. I would like to know who reads them and how you feel about what I say. I do moderate them so keep it clean. Hopefully I will find someone with some influence reads what I have to say. Is that too much to ask? Mine is just a small voice in a very crowded place. Above all tell me if you enjoy it and perhaps you and I can make a difference in world politics.
Right now this is an experiment. I may add members. For right now anyone is welcome to comment. Lets see how it goes.
Right now this is an experiment. I may add members. For right now anyone is welcome to comment. Lets see how it goes.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
President Shifts Argument, Catches Critics Off Guard
President Shifts Argument, Catches Critics Off Guard
Only in his dreams.
Does he think we have Attention deficit syndrome? Not on your life is he taking me or anyone else "Off Guard" If he thinks that by 'forcefully' (pun intended) trying to steer us away from the rest of the problems of his administration, he is only dreaming. Perhaps he thinks that the anniversary of September 11 will stir up our patriotism once again and reinvigorate our animalistic appetite for war and all the blood and guts stuff it represents.
I got news for him, we're sick and tired of all the bloodshed and needless killing of our soldiers on an ill-conceived and badly executed war.
We seem to get all the little guys and proceed to make examples of them but how come we still haven't got Osama Bin Laden? He has been on the run for how long and we still don't know where he is? Give me a break. I'll tell you what I think. I think that we in fact do know where he is but for some unknown reason we purposely have not gone after him. I wonder why? Lots of Americans wonder why?
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool them all of the time. Ain't that the truth?
Only in his dreams.
Does he think we have Attention deficit syndrome? Not on your life is he taking me or anyone else "Off Guard" If he thinks that by 'forcefully' (pun intended) trying to steer us away from the rest of the problems of his administration, he is only dreaming. Perhaps he thinks that the anniversary of September 11 will stir up our patriotism once again and reinvigorate our animalistic appetite for war and all the blood and guts stuff it represents.
I got news for him, we're sick and tired of all the bloodshed and needless killing of our soldiers on an ill-conceived and badly executed war.
We seem to get all the little guys and proceed to make examples of them but how come we still haven't got Osama Bin Laden? He has been on the run for how long and we still don't know where he is? Give me a break. I'll tell you what I think. I think that we in fact do know where he is but for some unknown reason we purposely have not gone after him. I wonder why? Lots of Americans wonder why?
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool them all of the time. Ain't that the truth?
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