Saturday, August 26, 2006

Rep. Harris Condemns Separation of Church, State

Rep. Harris Condemns Separation of Church, State

Ah yes another reason we need to keep the religious wingnuts out of office. It is very obvious that Harris never studied American History or she probably didn't pay attention when the teacher explained how and why the Constitution was written and the reasons our founding fathers chose to keep Church and State separate. It is also obvious that she didn't learn that the reason people came to the new land we so proudly cherish was to escape religious persecution and tyrannical leaders. They did not want a theocracy, they wanted a democracy free from the tyrannical and theosophical rulers in Europe.
It is my sincere hope that we see through such religious fervor and unveil the real truth behind the Religious Right. Which by the way they are neither. It is at last admirable that the GOP has finally become conscious of the strangle hold these religious bigots have had on them. The American people should no longer tolerate this type of outrageous behavior and be sure to vote or at least make our outrage be heard at such despicable behavior.
Ain't that the truth?

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