Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First the Flood, Now the Fight

First the Flood, Now the Fight


A year has gone by and FEMA is still playing the blame game. Government incompetence reins supreme in this tragedy. People are still homeless and funds for rebuilding New Orleans seems to only to trickle in. Money to do the job is being siphoned off by unscrupulous and greedy contractors. Crime is still rampant and there is no end in sight. When will they ever get it if ever?
What we need to do is to reform the depression era work programs where the citizens came forward to clean up and rebuild. Damn the politicans, bottom feeding lawyers and greedy contractors and most of all damn the cost and lets get the job done. America has more than enough resources and heavy machinery to get the job done. What I'd like to see is companies coming forward and donating the machinery and manpower to clean up New Orleans once and for all. We have the resources to house workers from all over the country and feed them. We have the transportation to get them to the work areas to begin removing the debris so that we can start rebuilding a new city.
Lets stop playing politics and get off our butts and get to work. To hell with everything else.

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