Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First the Flood, Now the Fight

First the Flood, Now the Fight


A year has gone by and FEMA is still playing the blame game. Government incompetence reins supreme in this tragedy. People are still homeless and funds for rebuilding New Orleans seems to only to trickle in. Money to do the job is being siphoned off by unscrupulous and greedy contractors. Crime is still rampant and there is no end in sight. When will they ever get it if ever?
What we need to do is to reform the depression era work programs where the citizens came forward to clean up and rebuild. Damn the politicans, bottom feeding lawyers and greedy contractors and most of all damn the cost and lets get the job done. America has more than enough resources and heavy machinery to get the job done. What I'd like to see is companies coming forward and donating the machinery and manpower to clean up New Orleans once and for all. We have the resources to house workers from all over the country and feed them. We have the transportation to get them to the work areas to begin removing the debris so that we can start rebuilding a new city.
Lets stop playing politics and get off our butts and get to work. To hell with everything else.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Rep. Harris Condemns Separation of Church, State

Rep. Harris Condemns Separation of Church, State

Ah yes another reason we need to keep the religious wingnuts out of office. It is very obvious that Harris never studied American History or she probably didn't pay attention when the teacher explained how and why the Constitution was written and the reasons our founding fathers chose to keep Church and State separate. It is also obvious that she didn't learn that the reason people came to the new land we so proudly cherish was to escape religious persecution and tyrannical leaders. They did not want a theocracy, they wanted a democracy free from the tyrannical and theosophical rulers in Europe.
It is my sincere hope that we see through such religious fervor and unveil the real truth behind the Religious Right. Which by the way they are neither. It is at last admirable that the GOP has finally become conscious of the strangle hold these religious bigots have had on them. The American people should no longer tolerate this type of outrageous behavior and be sure to vote or at least make our outrage be heard at such despicable behavior.
Ain't that the truth?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Buyer Beware Norton System Works 2006 Premier

I have used Norton System Works previous versions for years but the current version really sucks. Beware if you install it along with GoBack your comnputer may not boot. That is what happened to me the first time around. Fortunately I was able to get to boot and uninstall GoBack. Nowhere except in microscopic text burried in the user manual does it warn about Not installing it on an Xp system.
Wait there's more. I wanted complete protection so I installed the complete package. That was the second mistake. It used to be that you could choose to turn off the monitoring feature and use the options only when you needed them. Not any more. It is turned on by default with no way to turn it off. Now I am used to a nice fast boot up. My Linux box boots up in about 20 seconds. With Norton installed you have to wait until it checks everything and I mean everything before you can open any programs. If you went to get a cup of java and came back maybe, just maybe it might be finished. Oh and did I mention that it is a system hog? The comoputer I use to cruise the internet is not the fastest in the world. This sucker maxes out my cpu and if I hit ctrl-alt-Del all other programs show that they are not responding until Norton stops doing its thing.
It gets better. I call for help in deleting Norton completely from my system. Help is Off-shore with some parson barely able to speak english to be intelligible. He says that not everything is taken out of the registry making it impossible to install the alternative Anti-virus software I just purchased.
To say that by this time I am very pi**ed off is an understatement. they call me back to see if their instructions worked. Of course I said no and proceeded to vent about what a lousy program the current version is. He HANGS UP ON ME.
The only alterenative I see is to Reformat the hard drive and reinstall Windows XP Professional and all the programs I've collected and start over. I do know one thing, this is the last time Norton gets my business and I hope yours too.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bush Says Iraq Pullout Would Be 'A Disaster'

Bush Says Iraq Pullout Would Be 'A Disaster'

But would it?

I watched Shrub's press conference on TV yesterday and his impassioned diatribe and adamant statement that we will not leave so long as he is president. The problem is he got us into this mess and now he can't get out of it. He and his cronies continuously paint a rosy picture of our supposed progress toward Democracy in Iraq. What he doesn't know or chooses to ignore is the real truth about what is happening there. Soldiers home from leave are telling those they know what is really happening and journalists I am sure are telling others what is happening. They may not be able to say it on air but I know for sure that the truth is being told.
The problem as I see it is not so much that we don't know what is really happening, but how in the world we can extricate ourselves form this hopeless situation and save face? We are damned if we do and we are damned if we don't. It is a catch 22 situation.
The only thing we can do is to continue to increase the pressure on those in government and those in power to persuade them that the American people are sick and tired of this scherade and there must be an end.
Ain't that the truth?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Pundits Renounce The President

Pundits Renounce The President


Gollie Gee Whiz they are finally saying it. Look at my past bloggs. I've been sayiny it all along, not in so blunt of terms mind you but I have said it from the beginning.
He's a Cowboy, the villege idiot trying to put a front and our polititions fell for it hook line and sinker and now, how many years later finally comming to that realization? Incredible.
I said it once before and I'll say it again, the war in Iraq is wrong and we should not be there. The country is about to implode upon itself. Civil war will erupt and there is nothing we or any other country can do about it.
My suggestion is to pull out of there, let them fight amongst themselves and when the bloodshed is over reassess the situation and go from there.
In the mean time we need to get the Villege Idiot out of office as quickly as possible before he gets us into more trouble with the global community.
Ain't that the truth?