Friday, October 08, 2004

Why they won't let him speak spontaneously

Bush won't talk spontaneously to reporters. Now why is that? Well I'll tell you. He ain't no good at public speaking. He ain't smart enough. He don't got that sharp wit about him. Dats what. Anna hay? You betcha dupa, as they say up here in God's country.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool them all of the time. Truth is the media has been sheltering Bush and only allowing carefully scripted media to reach the public. Until now that is. I think a lot of people have been hoodwinked into thinking that he is smarter than he really is. Sheeple wake up! The Truth is staring you in the face and you can't see it. Shame on you.

Even I can tell that he isn't the one running the show. He is a puppet. Someone is yanking the strings in the background. Cheney and his cohorts are the ones really running the country, not Bush. He is just the mouth piece, that's all.

Watch the debate tonight and you will see for yourself. The real Bush without the shiny leaves will be uncovered for what he really is. No one in their right mind would want any one like that reelected.

Ain't that the truth?

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