Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The Lesser of Two Evils

Last night while out patrolling the college I listened to Michael Savage on the radio talking about Bush and Kerry and the Muslims. He talks about Bush screwing up the war in Iraq and his not so elegant persona during the debates and how he didn't come across very well to the public at large. He went on to criticize Kerry as far too liberal and in his opinion how the world would wined up if he were elected. To me it sounded to me like typical doomsday rantings. We're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't.

He went on to discuss his theory that the Muslims are taking over the world and that the European nations will soon be taken over by them. About this I disagree. Granted that Islam and the Muslim religion are making inroads across the world much the same way Christianity did in the middle ages to the present time. Its like he is saying that my religion is better than your religion. I believe that is a very dangerous way to think. It is precisely this way of thinking that has lead to all the current wars and bloodshed in recent history (ancient history too).

It boils down to several questions. Will the United States be better off with Bush or Kerry and will this lead ultimately to the end of the world as we know it. In my opinion this is great fodder for the conspiracy theorists and doomsday advocates. "Oh dear the sky is falling, the sky is falling." The end of the world is at hand. GIVE ME A BREAK. The world didn't end New Year 2000 or 2001 and we are still here three years later. We haven't blown ourselves up nor has an asteroid hit the earth. Boys and girls, the end times haven't happened and I don't think it will happen in our lifetime.

As long as people continue to say that my religion is better than yours we will continue to have wars and bloodshed for the foreseeable future. Doomsday theorists will thrive because of the plethora of information at our fingertips thanks to the internet and instantaneous news broadcasts bombarding us at all hours of the day and night. Face it, there is no end in sight.

With the coming election we must choose a lesser of two evils. Remember Bush has done a very good job of mucking up the war in Iraq, isolating the USA from the rest of the world and making a lot of them hate us. He is pandering to the rich and large corporations and in bed with he religious right. Medical costs have skyrocketed and jobs have been lost. He has rewarded companies for shipping jobs off-shore. To top it off we have lost many of our cherished Constitutional rights and he wants to codify discrimination. I ask you is this a president you want in the White House for four more years?

Kerry on the other hand is a different story. A rather radical shift in the opposite direction. Something that is hard for many of us to swallow. He is diametrically opposed to the policies of the Bush administration and how to fix a weak and broken system. His ideas on handling the war in Iraq are a departure from the ideology and rhetoric the Bush administration is trying to shove down our throats. Bush uses fear while Kerry pushes for a new hope for our nation and the world.

The choice to me is clear. While Bush operates on fear and War, war, war. Kerry offers an olive branch of hope for the American people and the world. For me this is the lesser of two evils.

Ain't that the truth?

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