Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Here we go again RNC spin doctors

Oh boy, here we go again. Now they are trying to paint the president as Decicive and Determined. Yeah right. Remember folks, he was determined to invade Iraq long before 9/11. Also remember that there was and still is no conclusive proof that there were weapons of mass destruction.

Are we forgetting something here?

Oh yeah he's a good wartime president. Instaead of authorizing a surgical strike to eliminate Saddam or capture him, he opted for Shock and Awe, devastating Iraq and coompletely destabalizing the country. At the same time angering its neighbors with his bullheaded tactics.

Wake up and smell the coffee, people.

The RNC is geared to raise the support of the unthinking masses and his spin doctors are trying to show him as a powereful president. Powerfvul maybe but definitely not the brightest bulb in the pack. Bullheaded, definitely. Also this guy is in bed with the religious right. They don't want you to see this so they are keeping a muzzle on the radical ones by only inviting moderate religious leaders to the convention. He'll let them back out when this is all over, you can bet on that. Then it is back to business as usual. Then they wil go back to stomp on more of our civil rights. That you can take to the bank.

So what about the economy and jobs and the defecit? How are we going to pay for that when no one is working? Talk about pandering to the greedy corporate big shots. What about medicare and skyrocketing drug costs? He doesnn't want you to think about those things, now does he?

Speaking about war, how about the toll in Iraq? Over a thousand US soldiers killed so far(and counting), after he declared victory. Please read the news. We are nowhere closer to peace. If anything under Shrub we are worse off, not better.

Now do you still want a president like that? I don't.

Monday, August 30, 2004

I read an article that originally came from the Washington Post about how we are losing our grip on different cities in Iraq. The article said that the US handed over parts of Iraq to liberated Iraqis in order to restore some semblance of normalcy. In the mean time the radicals have been systematically capturing, torturing or beheading anyone involved with the US efforts to restore order. Many of them have fled along with their families and now these insurgents have taken over the cities we thought we had secured and instituted the same kind of rule as Hussein did when he was in power. How sad. Now we are holed up in secure bunkers outside these cities and no longer able to go inside without an armored caravan.

The newspapers want you to think that everything is just rosy and that we are making headway for the Iraqi people. Well I've got news for you. If you read between the lines or read other news reports you will find that just the opposite is true.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, you're dealing with a feudal society run by warlords who have absolutely no concept of Democracy whatsoever. If and when we leave Iraq it will implode upon itself, civil war will erupt and the nation will revert back to the same type of government it had before the war. Another bloodthirsty dictator will emerge. Whether he will be better or worse than the last is to be seen. My bet is that he will be just as bad or worse.

George Bush is failing miserably in Iraq and against terrorism in general. Not only that he is a vindictive and mean spirited president. Believe me, the spin doctors will be feverishly at work during the GOP presidential convention in New York painting as rosy picture as they can. Just remember you can paint roses on a trashcan but it still stinks when you lift the lid.
Ain't that the gosh honest truth?

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Tidbits for a lazy Sunday morning
I'm now reading about five major newspapers on line each day to get the best all around view of the news that I can. That doesn't mean that I am any less biased in my views, just better informed, I hope. As you know the GOP will be kicking off their convention tomorrow in New York. That should be interesting. I think I will have the TV on most of the day and I will be scanning the internet for live webcasts etc.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a supporter of our President by any means. I have never been caught up in the mob mentality which has prevailed in this nation since 9/11 and beyond. If anything I cringed at the rhetoric being espoused by those in the whitehouse and the military. They want to keep their jobs, people, that's why they are doing it. Personally I think that there are many who don't necessarily agree with the Prez but are afraid to speak up for fear of retribution. Sorry to say Bush hits me as the kind of person you don't want to rub the wrong way. He is not the kind of person you want to cross and that is NOT the kind of person I want in office. Vindictive and mean spirited.
Many people say Kerry is indecisive and flip flops on the issues. I have a different view. I believe Kerry is a thinking person who carefully analyzes each situation and then decides where he will stand on the issue. Sometimes he realizes that he is caught up in the moment and makes choices that are not in the best interest of the people he represents. It seems to me that he is saying that on further examination that wasn't such a good idea after all. I have a right to change my mind and vote against it now. I respect a person like that. A person who will admit he make a mistake. Now I ask you, can you say the same of Bush? I haven't seen him admit to making a mistake yet and if he has he has only done it grudgingly if at all.
q that's my little rant for the morning. Now I'm off to church and then work keeping the bad guys at bay. You have a nice day yuh hear?

Monday, August 23, 2004


Yesterday I was reading the Sunday paper and came across an article about the Al-Qaida in Iraq and the world and how they eventually will spread and terrorize civilized nations like never before. Gosh what a gloomy forecast was my thought as I read on and on. Then I wondered, just what were they thinking? Do they intend to sit on their asses and let the bad guys run roughshod over us and everyone else? He made it sound as if we have no control over future events and the results of some terrible apocalyptic future is ahead.
Unfortunately that is just what they want us to do. The bad guys want us to be afraid and take no action so that they can get the upper hand. Well that isn't going to happen.
I'm sorry people but I just can't accept that kind of story or outcome. This kid is NOT going to sit on his ass and let someone bully me or my nation or anyone else for that matter. I don't subscribe to the notion of turning the other cheek. If you slap me I'm gonna smash you but good. You pull a gun on me you better plan to use it because I'm going to kill you. No if ands or buts.
One of the biggest problems we have with the war in Iraq is politics and stupid rules that keep our hands tied behind our backs. Cut off the head of the snake and the rest will die. Take out their leaders. No holds barred. That's what I say.
One thing I learned during my outlaw biker days (my crazy period) is that you find the meanest baddest person in the group and take him out first. Then go after the leader and take him out. The rest falls apart all by it self. It is the leaders that stir up trouble and they need to be dealt with.
I only have this one last question. Why haven't they found and or killed Osama Bin Ladden?

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Do you ever watch the movies where the villan hands a weapon to someone and tells them to pull the trigger? Or the Bully who gets someone else to do his dirty work? He never does it himself. I wonder why? Is it because he can't do it himself because he doesn't have the guts to look into the eyes of his victim and pull the trigger? Or afraid he might get hurt?
When I was a kid I was bullied by just such a person at school. He was a mean little sucker with his small group of cronies (sort of like Malfoy and his two goons in the Harry Potter books). Always making snide remards about his victim and egging on his goons to act on his suggestions which they would unthinkingly do.
This senario is playing out in high ranking political circles at this very minute. Yes I'm talking about you Mr. President. You and your gang of testosterone oozing vietnam veteran goons doing your cowardly dirtywork, all the while your Republican peanut gallery snickers in the background. How dare you.
Come on Mr. President, why don't you step up to the plate and takje it like a Man? Personally I'd be surprised if you did. You just might get a bloody nose. Something a lot of us would love to see. (Take a hint from Hermione John, where she finnally hauled off and belted Malfoy in the last Harry Potter movie.)
I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of Bullies. Its time for change.

Get out and Vote people. It's the only way we can make a change. Bank on it!
Ain't that the truth?