Headlines abound the New York Times and the Washington Post have been reporting the recent plunge and near collapse in Wall Street trading. Now this probably sounds like a conspiracy theory but there is a good possibility that somebody may have found a way to infiltrate Wall Street and its trading miasma of electronic connections too numerous to count. Investigators are having problems trying to find the source of the problem whether it was a mistake or whether it was on purpose we have yet to find out. My question is could this be a new form of cyber terrorism geared to bring down our financial institutions and flow of money nationally and internationally? Is something I think that we should seriously think about. Terrorism does not have to be comprised of acts of violence, but if terrorists can infiltrate our financial systems they can wreak havoc worldwide. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that there are many places where terrorists could infiltrate a company and insert code or purposely punch in the wrong figures thereby causing the Wall Street crash and burn. Let us hope that it was a simple mistake and the person or persons responsible be held accountable. I also think it's about time that we took a very close look at how our trading systems work and what we can do to make it safer.
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