Friday, July 04, 2008

Why Gas prices are so high

Do you really want to know why the prices of gasoline are so high? Here it is. Think 9/11, that is thew key. After 9/11 the USA froze all money sources of the Iraq's and other hostile Arab country's. Militarily they know they can"t beat us. They are also not Dumb either. Remember they want us out of their country. Its like the Mouse Thar Roared. What better way to beat us but to cripple us. Hit us where it hurts. In the Pocketbook. A simple case of Supply and Demand. Believe me, they have it all figured out and don't think for one minute that the other Arab countries aren't in on it either. You can bank on that. Not only that, we had a stupid and clueless President who had to go to war with guns blazing with no plan what so ever.
Point number Two. Do you remember World War Two? Then you should also remember that we had supply problems getting needed supplies to our troops and this almost crippled us. Fortunately we solved that problem and we went on to win the war. Guess what? History repeats itself. Here is the REAL REASON gas prices are so high. The Arab nations are purposely restricting the supply of gasoline in order to artificially raise the prices sky high in order to cripple us and the war effort. Several other things they won't tell you and won't do anything about (greed my friends) is the futures market. That and the oil companies unwillingness to reinvest in critical refineries and machinery.

The other thing we can blame is our stupid elected officials who can't see the forest through the trees. Many of them cow-tow to oil company lobbyists and greedy investors. What they need to do is put a CAP on how much can be invested on oil futures. That will fix part of the problem. Secondly we need an EXIT strategy in place to get us out of Iraq and other oil producing country's. The sooner the better. Remember, THEY DON"T WANT US IN THEIR COUNTRY.

I'm screaming it from the rooftop. Why isn't anybody listening? How stupid can we be?

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