Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bush thumbing nose at the Constitution

We have a president who has thumbed his nose at the Constitution ever since he was put into office as the Chief Executive. The Constitution enumerates the powers given to the President which he is to abide by during his term in office. Unfortunately Congress has given him additional powers which were intended to be used sparingly to veto unjust provisions of law enacted by government officials (the House and Congress) that might overstep its authority. It was not designed to circumvent reasonable provisions enacted by Congress. A current article in the Washington Post shows how the President has methodically abused his powers and has asserted that he feels that he is not bound by rules promulgated by the powers that be intended to put the brakes on this abuse of power, which as far as I am concerned borders on impeachment if it continues. Aside from the fact that this has been one of the Worst Presidents to serve in the history of the USA. This abuse of power can not continue. I call for the House and Congress to wither censure or impeach Mr Bush if he continues on this path.

The article lists a staggering list of offences that are occurring. We can not allow these things to continue. We must take action Now. We must send a clear message that this type of action will no longer be tolerated and may lead to impeachment if it continues.
What do you think?

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