Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Justices rule that EPA can rule of Green House Gasses

Both the Washington Post and the New York Times reported that the Supreme Court in a 5 to 4 ruling that the EPA can rule about harmful gasses such as carbon dioxide emitted by vehicles and factories and power plants. If it says that if it can't, they must come up with a viable scientific reason not to.
How any body can be so stupid is beyond me. This is what I call the Ostrich effect that if you bury your head in the sand and ignore the glaring signs that trouble is brewing, perhaps it will go away. NOT. Increasingly more and more cars are being sold and driven instead of public transportation or car pooling which will lessen the problem. Face it we are lazy and we are getting fatter because of it. We take the easy way out instead of the healthy way and hoofing it or using alternative transportation.
Why not bikes? They are relatively safe. Are great for exercise and don't use gasoline therefore not producing green house gasses. Besides how many fatalities have your heard about involving bicycles have you heard recently? And how about Drunk Drivers? Make them ride bikes. That will solve a lot of problems too.
Back to the point, this is a prime example of Big Business and Greed influencing government agencies in order to make a buck. It is a prime example of the uncaring attitude of our current administration about the future of mankind. We must come to the realization that our Earth is fragile and if we are not careful it may be the end of civilization as we know it. If we are not careful and reverse the trends now, it may be too late.
Ain't that the truth?

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