Monday, January 08, 2007

Here we go again wit

Here we go again with the War in Iraq
War Could Last Years, Commander Says - New York Times

We have a new commander overseeing the troops in Iraq. Has this guy been studying the history of the Iraq war? Lt. General Raymond T. Odierno says that it might take another two to three years to get the upper hand in Iraq. How insightful. No shit Sherlock, who clued you? Or did you come to that conclusion all by yourself? Where in heavens name is the President getting these people from? So far he has chosen some of the dumbest people on earth to run his battles. Either that or they have fallen for his incessant rhetoric hook line and sinker. When if ever is reality going to sink in?
     Gentlemen we are in a war we can not win. When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee? Yes the American people are frustrated and fed up with this continuing horse shit. Bush had us go in with guns blazing. Shock and Awe, his terms not mine. It was a Shock to the American people how incredibly stupid this tactic was. Then it was Aw Shit, we did it this time. I’d like to use a more colorful expression than this but I will be a little more tactful than I’d like to be.
     So Mr. Bush’s new grandiose tactic is to pour more troops into Iraq to quell all that unrest that many think is the beginning of civil war but won’t admit. Now let me get this straight, several years from now we are supposed to get the upper hand at which time the dumbest president in history will be out of office. Then what? We start to pull our troops out and then what will happen? As soon as we leave, all Hell is going to break loose, that’s what. And he thinks he will come out of this smelling like a Rose? Give me a break.
     What I hope is that the new congress doesn’t wind up being a bunch of Chicken-
Shit cowards and step up to the plate and force this stupidity to come to an end. Let’s let this Bully President know that we are sick and tired of all his bull headed shenanigans and force an end to this awful war once and for all.
     Another thought you might want to process. What were they thinking when they hung Saddam? Wasn’t it supposed to be secret? No photos or videos were to be taken but they allowed someone with a cell phone to take pictures. My question is why didn’t they search these people and confiscate anything that could take pictures including cell phones? If they saw someone holding up a cell phone taking a picture, why didn’t they grab the phone and delete the picture? Who was in charge of security and why hasn’t he been prosecuted? I can’t believe that they could have allowed that to happen. After all it was an American facility they used even if it was a Iraqi hanging, we could have insisted on certain security procedures. For this there is no excuse. It is just another example of the incompetence of the military.
Ain’t that the truth?

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