Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Truth about rising Oil Prices

Oh do I have a news flash for you. Do you want to know exactly why the price of oil is skyrocketing? Well I've been cruising some of the other blogs and newsgroups and discovered some interesting things. Guess what? You were right all along, it is about greed and Oil all along. Remember Shrub comes from a family in Texas who have been in the oil business for years. Daddy was and so was Bush Junior. Where do you think their wealth comes from? You hit the nail right on the head. Oil.

The war in Iraq was contrived not so much to oust Saddam Husain and install Democracy in that country but to control the flow of oil. Not more of it but less of it. Thats right LESS Oil not more. The Real reason behind the Iraq was is control of the Oil Cartel and big money. Pure and simple it is Economics 101. If they produce more oil the price goes lower and they, Shrub and his ilk make less. Now by controling the flow of oil, they can charge more and more per barrel. The privce goes up and their fortunes increase accordingly. Its that simple.

Part of this information comes from confidential sources and also from a British newspaper called the Guardian. Another from an author by the name of Greg Palast and from his forthcoming book Armed Madhouse: /disoaches from the front lines of the class war, published by Penguin Dutton.

Is was about oil and it still is. Surprise Surprise

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