Tuesday, December 07, 2004

No Shit Sherlock

On December 6th a classified cable from the Central Intelligence Agency indicated that the situation in Iraq was deteriorating. How insightful. And just how long did it take you guys to figure that one out? A year? Now this is a prime example of the incompetence of Shrubs leadership. Not only is he incompetent, so are those in his administration under him.
I said it once a long time ago, and I'll say it again. The War in Iraq is like the war in Afghanistan. The former Soviet Union discovered that fact and got out while the getting was good and cut their losses, now it is our turn to high tail it and cut our losses too. Don't count on it though. Our pig headed Dumbo of a president hasn't gotten the message yet. Will he ever?
Mr President we are fighting a war whose borders are impossible to close, where insurgents are crossing the border supplying guns and munitions to the those fighting against us. It is like bailing out a sinking ship with a pail full of holes. It is a losing battle and the sooner we realize that the better. There are some battles that are unwinable. Obviously he never saw the movie War Games with Mathew Broadrick.

How about a nice game of chess?

Here is the link if you are interested in the New sYork Times 2 C.I.A. Reports Offer Warnings on Iraq's Path

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