On the subject of businesses many times businesses do not listen to their customers and make bad decisions. Sometimes the only way we can get them to listen is to hurt them where it hurts, in the pocketbook. They have to get the message loud and clear, they need us we don't need them. We can take our business elsewhere, and if enough people leave them in droves perhaps they will start to listen and realize they made a mistake and hopefully change their minds before it's too late. The intention is not to put them out of business but to get their undivided attention. If they don't listen and go out of business, so what? There are a lot of other businesses ready and willing to give us their business and listen to us. Don't get me wrong I still don't like Scott Walker. He is a sneak and a liar and that is an unforgivable thing from a preacher's son.
Unfortunately the reason our economy is in such bad shape is pure and simply greed. I put the blame on two things NAFTA and CAFTA. Both of these things allow big business to export jobs overseas where the pay scale is miniscule compared to here in the USA. We make parts here and export them to Mexico where they are essentially put together by unskilled labor. Also is a fact that pollution standards in Mexico are next to nonexistent therefore allowing US companies to bypass those standards at the expense of the Mexican people. This is not right. My solution would be to institute an export tax when things leave our country, and when it comes back Institute and import tax, then perhaps if we raise it high enough big business will decide to keep jobs here in the USA where they belong.