Is it a surprise, I don't think so. As I explained in one of my posts before I really didn't want to see this pass because it may have been a blank check to bail out the greedy financial institutions and possibly let executives get off Scott free. I'll say it again and again, we need government oversight and we also need government regulation, not deregulation. That's how this whole thing got going in the first place. It is my opinion that deregulation and unmitigated greed by not only executives and high up positions but investors looking to make a quick buck.
If they do put something forward again, I think it has to contain checks and balances similar to our Constitution so that this does not happen again. What was the old saying, "history repeats itself", how true that is.
I certainly hope something can be hammered out otherwise our economy is in(pardon my French) the toilet. Unfortunately now is the time that people are going to start the blame game. First it was Nancy Pelosi and it will be somebody else and another person after that because no one wants to take responsibility. That is the crux of the problem. That's why we are where we are at this point in time. We have to take responsibility for what we do if we do not do that then we're going to have history repeat itself.
Now more than ever, it is very important that those people in the house and congress get together and construct a plan which checks and balances, and not just a blank check, to fix the problem. I don't even want to think of what will happen if they don't. And I'm sure neither do you. So let's not go away with our tails between our legs, but instead let us pick ourselves up by the bootstraps, square our shoulders and march back in and hammer out a deal.