No surprise here that the USA, or should I say Shrub and Marine Gen. Peter Pace have no plan B in place if the new deal to stabilize Iraq doesn't work. Now during my crazy days as a motorcycle outlaw biker, we always had a Plan B and even a Plan C to fall back on. The best case scenario worked most of the time. Then again sometimes it didn't and we had to have a way out when things went wrong. We never had to use Plan C but we did use Plan B one or two times. No one ever would up in jail or hurt. That is why there is always a Plan B. We knew what we wanted to do and we didn't want to get hurt nor did we want anyone hurt either. The problem with no Plan B is that you may be put up against a wall with no way out. So what happens? You fight your way out and hope you make it out alive. Not a good thing to have happen.
So Shrub has this Gung-ho Marine General and not the brightest bulb in the pack it seems, saying that Plan B is to make Plan A work. This guy has a death wish or he is a few bricks shy of a load. Choose one. So typical of the Bush administration. Hell bent for leather with guns blazing without a thought about the consequences. How stupid can they be?
I don't know about you, bu this has got to end and the sooner the better. I hat to talk about impeachment, but Bush is way over his head and sinking fast. It is obvious that he doesn't care about the welfare of the American people, only the mess he has got us into. I also think we should carefully examine the mans mental stability and whether this has taken an irreversible toll on him. If it has then it is time to stop the sherade and call a spade a spade. Regardless of which political party you belong to, it is time to examine our priorities and put an end to the war.
This is my own persoal opinion and it may not be yours. Your comments are always welcome.