Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sr Bush is worried about Junior

The Bush saga continues like something out of the Hatfield and McCoy movie plot

Elder Bush the patriarch of the clan is worried about what his dumb son has done concerning the Iraq war. It is widely known the junior is one of the dumbest and least capable people who have ever been sadly elected President of the USA.

“Don’t worry Pa, I’m doing just fine. Stop watching C-span and turn off the TV.” I suppose he is worried that his father will have a coronary, and rightly so. I would too if I had to watch my son go down in a ball of fire and have to endure the mounting ridicule the nation is heaping upon him. In the mean time Junior is going to turn off the TV and not watch it either. I suppose he thinks that if he can’t see it, it will go away. Wrong. This is typical of the syndrome of Management by Avoidance. A tactic used extensively by the clueless.

It is amazing how the mind of a bully works. He initiates something and then coerces others to do his dirty work. In the meantime he sits back and watches the bloodbath. There is a noun for this type of person that I infer but will not use. Like they used to say at the multi-billion dollar company I retired from. ‘Give him enough rope and he will eventually hang himself.’

You are doing fine all by your self, Junior. You don’t need anyone’s help. All I can say to Bush Senior is “You have my sympathy.”

The rest of you have a happy Valentines Day