Friday, May 13, 2005

JS Online: Home valuations jump

The Real Reason for the jump in home valuations and Real estate taxes

The City of Milwaukee doesn't want you to know, this but the real reason for the 12.6% jump in city real estate taxes is the multi-million dollar lawsuits that the city has to pay. Several Cops beat up a citizen and now they are asking for millions in a settlement. Former alderman swept a multimillion dollar retirement plan through the city and now we are stuck with it. Bembenick's husband Elfred Schultz is collecting millions and living in Florida on a supposed health claim (they sent a reporter down there to interview him. He is in better health than he ever has been, if you'd like to know) and we are stuck with it. That's not to mention the boondoggle with county stadium construction. They tried to get away on the cheap and now we are paying for it and having to foot the bill for roof repairs. How about the Marquette Interchange? How much over budget will that be?
Where do you think they are going to get all the money to pay for that? They can't raise the taxes anywhere else, so why not sneak it in with the new re-assessment of the city housing stock? Do you know what? The sheeple will only see dollar signs because they can get more for their homes. Not the real reason behind the increase. This and other reasons are why there is white flight out of the city. Its not racial, its because of the taxes and the hostile climate of our city fathers and greedy elected officials. Don't you think it is about time we woke up and smelled the coffee? Yeah right, its good for the City. Who are you trying to kid?

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Vatican Is Said to Force Jesuit Off Magazine - New York Times

Sickum boy, Sickum

The Catholic church's Rotweiler Pope Benedict is at it again. In another step backwards for Christianity Pope Benedict now is forcing the resignation of the publisher of the Catholic magazine America. Looks to me like we're heading back to the days of the witch hunts and burning times and the Holy Inquisition once again. I asked if he would be better or worse than Pope Paul, well I guess we got our answer. I looked at his election with a jaundiced eye and my predictions have come true. Take this as a warning folks, this Pope is no friend of the opressed and otherwise marginalized anywhere in the world.
It is my belief that the Catholic Church and it's hierarchy has lost sight of Jesus teachings of love for our fellow man and instead is following a path of hatred and abuse of mankind. This is I am afraid, a sorry state of affairs for the Catholic Church and the world a a whole. It saddens me that this would be the ultimate outcome.
My question now is this the beginning of the rise of the Anti-Chirst? Only time will tell. Brace yourselves folks, the ride is about to get a whole lot more bumpy. You can bet on that.