Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The election is over. Now What?

OK where do we go from here? Bush got reelected and is on a roll. Personally I think we need to keep very close watch on him to make sure he doesn't go overboard. I think that we should watch his advisers as they are the ones pulling the strings, not Bush. Do the decisions ultimately come down from him or someone else, that is the question? I really don't think that the decisions are totally his.
We now have the Republicans and the Radical Right with a firm hold on government policy making. They want as much control as they can get and they will do it any way they can. So far they are doing just that. As an independent and more or less a centrist I tend to take the middle view. I tend to be one who takes the Devil's Advocate point of view a lot of times in order to get or force people to think about the issues at hand, I think it is imperative that we keep careful watch on what is happening. Those of us who tend to be more on the moderate side (if that is the right term) need to act as a brake in order to slow the process down in order to analyze the situation so that we do the right thing. By that I mean not going overboard with our zealousness and overreaction to current situations.
For those leaning to the left, you need to groom a leader who is more decisive and firm on the issues. It think that is one of the reasons Kerry lost. I also think someone with a less controversial past would be good too. By that I mean someone who's past actions don't contradict the issues now. He wavered way too much and relied too much on other opinions right up the last second before he would make a concrete decision. Only once did I see Bush waver and that was on the Gay issue of marriage. Other wise he stuck to his guns.
At least that is the way I see it.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

My theory about Arafat

Don't you think it is a little unusual that the illness that Yassar Arafat has been kept secret from the public? It does me. This is my theory. MY THEORY IS THAT HE WAS ASSASSINATED.
The mysterious illness was probably caused by some sophisticated pathogen that would never be detected once administered. All it takes is a small pin prick to administer a fatal dose of a poison that can kill a person and then be metabolized and become undetectable.

Who did it we may never know. Was it one of his own or someone from another nation? Its useless to point fingers. The deed is done and he is gone. We do know that there has been constant fighting between Palestine and Israel and it seems that there is no end in sight. If Arafat remained in power I doubt if peace would come at any time. If he was assassinated it could pave the way for negotiations between the two and eventually lead to peace or at least an equitable settlement. Lets all hope that is the outcome.

So what is the truth? Will we ever know?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Whacko Scientists

Ok so they found a Midget or Dwarf skeleton which is thousands of years old. They are calling it a major find. What are they thinking? They are saying that they are smart just because of their brain size? Don't dwarfs heads seem much bigger than their bodies? Like Duh? These guys are supposed to have impressive College Degrees for pete sake. Give me a break. You mean to tell me that there weren't any dwarfs back in the stone age? Come on Guys, this isn't Rocket Science. I think someone is having a Major Brain Fart or they are way off track. I went to College too, but at least I use the gray matter God gave me. I think someone is pulling our leg.

This is a Joke right? Personally I think someone should start questioning this supposed find. You just found the first midget. Get over it. Big Deal. Here is the link if you want to read the article for yourself.

Moving right along

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Will the President meet the same fate as Kennedy?

Now its just speculation, but if President Bush keeps going in the same direction he has, my bet is that he may just face the same fate as Kennedy. It is a grim possibility that he must take into consideration if he wants to serve for four more years.

The question is where will it come from? I predict it may come from the extreme right or left who believe that Armageddon is upon us and that the Bush has emerged as the Beast of Revelations. That this is the beginning of the End Times. Or perhaps someone else is pulling the strings, not Bush but someone more sinister from inside.

Sounds pretty scary and far out doesn't it? The question is, can we be sure about that? Only time will tell.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Let 'em gloat. Its Gorilla warfare time

The right wing republicans are gloating. "We won, we won." The narrow minded religious extremists are feverishly planning their next attack on American freedom. Right wing news commentators are gloating over their victory at the polls while the rest of America walks away with their tails between their legs, or at least it seems that way.

The truth is that more Americans went to the polls than any time in recent history. They only won by three percentage points. Three percentage points. That tells me something and it should tell you something too. Regardless of the outcome of the election, the American people are fed up with the right wingers. We lost the election but we have not lost the fight. We must keep on fighting even harder than before if we want to keep what we have. We cannot stop.

We did get the word out and the American public is listening. Why do you think the election was so close. I for one will not listen to the doom sayers who claim that all is lost. It is not. We didn't win but we didn't lose either. The tactic now is to throw cold water on their plans and stop them in their tracks before even more damage is done. We need to challenge them at every turn and make them work for what they want. We have now got to make it very difficult for them to succeed. Its time for Gorilla warfare. Lets take it to the streets. Shout from the rooftops. Expose them for who they are. Dig up every piece of mud we can and fling it back in their faces. Its our time to take off the gloves and slug it out.

Down but not out by any means

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Bush has got to go

Its almost as if I told you so. The cost of the war in Iraq is going to bankrupt the country. And who should come out from hiding but Osama Bin Laden voicing his opposition to the Bush administration. "So we are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy. Allah willing, and nothing is too great for Allah."

This has been and continues to be an unnecessary war, a war no one wanted except the blood thirsty Bush administration and the extremeist religious right. I was my opinion then as it still is now that our nation is going down the toilet under this administration.

With that I say "Vote as if your life depends upon it." Bush MUST be voted out of office. It is my sincere hope that John Kerry will do the right thing and get out of this mess before it is too late. If you don't believe me, read the complete speech by Bin Laden for yourself here http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/79C6AF22-98FB-4A1C-B21F-2BC36E87F61F.htm

I told you so. Ain't that the truth?